
I love your coop, Corvidae! That is AMAZING. What in the world is going on with those Isbars? Have you contacted Green Fire with your issues? I'd be really, really traumatized by that!! I don't blame you by being upset.

I would love to take you up on your offer for the BLRW eggs. I'm still bummed that it looks like I only got 1/5 girls. You are in Bountiful, correct? What is your schedule like tomorrow? I am pretty open earlier in the day, but I have a buyer closing on a house at 4, and I have a tentively scheduled listing appointment for 5:30. What would work for you?

I am going nuts wondering what's going on with my eggs at the preschool.

Spinx, Go to bed early, then tomorrow may come faster! I would be going crazy too!

Corvidae..really nice big coop. Sorry about the Isbars..I'm with Shinx..get hold of Green Fire! They may do something about that.

I can't believe this happened to me today. I have not gone this far out, and have a chick start going down hill..fast! The others are doing well. It's my Exchequer baby. It couldn't stand up, was laying with it's eyes closed, then started laying sideways crying out. DH did the deed to keep it from suffering any longer. The others are doing great! Not sure what that was all about. It was one of the smaller ones. :(
Those are some of the cutest chicks. Now I have to have some of them.

I have to, just have to, post another picture of Pinky. My daughter has a better camera than I do with her phone! So guess what I bought off Amazon? Yep, a better camera..a nice "little" Cannon. I don't want to have to worry about all the stuff that comes with the big guns. So, I call "her" Pinky, because one of her toes is pink on the end. Silkies are supposed to have all black feet/toes. She did. Interesting thing. I taped that toe when she was a half a day old, because it was crooked. No big deal right? It's straight now, but the end of the toe is pink! Not sure why! Here's the cute picture, I am falling for this little one big time, it better be a girl.
See the pink toe...cute...!
That is some coop and run!

Woops I meant to say I could not guess Gender,,,not breed lol I know they are Blue Wyandottes

Here is our new project. You guys will laugh at me. if you remember the original coop and run, this will look ridiculous.

Holy Moly!! Haha! DH did not know what he was getting into. Saw him sweating pretty hard a bit ago.
AND I even have a little coop for the other end. It will have a door on the front leading into the other end of the run, and a nest box on the back. I will use it for broodies. or babies....or maybe my polish if the others pick on them It still needs the door cut out and white trim added, then the words "La Casita" (Little house!)
My DH says next we will be moving into the coop and chickens will be living in out house. I won't let it get that far...I think....
Love your coop the one we are building in fruitland looks like yours. It looks up to the Duchesne winters. Sorry about your isbars. When you get rid of your freedom rangers what are you going to put in that side of the coop?

Okay, I'm kind of a posting maniac trying to kill time before work! I finally took pictures of Fort Chicken the last time I was up in Duchesne, so here they are:

Excuse the messy wood pile in front--that's firewood we just haven't found a neat place for yet. The black plastic at the top is winter dressing to keep some of the cold out and collect sunlight. Kind of a passive solar thing, though it didn't work as well as we wanted.

This is the side the BLRW's are kept on (can kind of see some of them in the picture). It is actually a divided pen--the BLRW's are in the closest side and those idiotic Freedom Rangers that I stupidly thought would be a good idea are in the other side. Can't stand those stupid birds. All they ever do is eat, drink, and poop. They aren't particularly friendly and they had better make a good dinner or I am going to be seriously ticked. Never seen birds eat that much. Sheesh.

The coop they are putting up tomorrow won't be quite this large--it is only 8x10 and we will still have to build the runs off it when they are done. This coop was a heaping lot of work, done by me and two friends. I decided I didn't want to do that again, so Wright Sheds is coming up to put up the new coop.
Love your coop the one we are building in fruitland looks like yours. It looks up to the Duchesne winters. Sorry about your isbars. When you get rid of your freedom rangers what are you going to put in that side of the coop?

I have the cream legbars, Zach's Breda, Joel's Welsummers, and, theoretically, Isbars (if any survive) to go up there when they are old enough. If the Isbars don't make it (which seems likely at this point), I'll probably just use some of the space for more BLRW's! There are three pens in the coop that is already up there, and there will be two more in the one that they are building tomorrow.

It is a lot of fun to go up there and let the BLRW's out to wander. Zach (my 13 year old) sits and reads while they scratch and peck around him. Makes a pretty picture.
Isn't that funny how they are so black, then turn totally blue! I think I have one gray that really makes me think boy...#5. The rest really look like girls so far, which would surprise me out of 5......but if you had lots of hens too then maybe its not impossible! Lucky I would be to get 4/5 girls
How much did you sell them for? I have three left I need to put on KSL, I have no idea what to go for

DONNA HOLY SMOKES!!! Now THAT is a chicken fortress. I love it! I want that! I want that! haha ;0
No wonder you have so many chickens. You can fit a whole army in there! Oh and I candled the BLRW I got from you, they all look great so far! Wow! They must be happy little chickens in that big ole fort !

Not sure of our ratio for sure the boss thinks it was 5 to 1 all roosters sold them before we knew for sure.
Cynthia, I'm sorry about your loss. I wonder what happened for it to be doing so well for so long.

I've been sitting here, trying to not contemplate breaking and entering, and trying to wait patiently for 9am when the preschool opens.

I just got a phone call from one of the teachers. She arrived at school early and there's THREE chicks waiting for me!!! As soon as my son's carpool picks him up, I'm out the door to go see them and get them into the brooder.
Cynthia, I'm sorry about your loss. I wonder what happened for it to be doing so well for so long.

I've been sitting here, trying to not contemplate breaking and entering, and trying to wait patiently for 9am when the preschool opens.

I just got a phone call from one of the teachers. She arrived at school early and there's THREE chicks waiting for me!!! As soon as my son's carpool picks him up, I'm out the door to go see them and get them into the brooder.

That's me excited for you! This would be me at my house before I could get out the door.....
Sphinx, that is exciting! Can't wait t hear more and see them :)
Cynthia, so sad about your little baby. You just never know what can happen....:hugs That is great Scott can take care of it for you, it is so hard to put them down when you have gotten attached :( :(

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