
Ahhh, that makes the rescue in me want to go buy them all and put them in qt and get their little butts taken care of. :(

I completely agree! Or maybe just vollenteer at the store during chick season? They really shouldnt be selling them if they cant take care of them....grrr.
Sasha- We are on then! i will pm you with my cell, and address. You can call me when they come in and bring them on over!

Sphinx, your pips!!!! Excting!! Are you going to pu your webcam up? You should do it! I want to see!
Sphinx, can't wait to see your babies!!
And there's nothing wrong with keeping your mind busy so that you stay away from the preschool. I have a load of old, worn out jeans I've been saving for years to make a jean quilt. I keep thinking lately that I ought to start on it and see how much fabric I have now.

Oh, I'm SO glad I'm not the only one that's unhappy when I see unattended chicks at feed stores. When I was last at Cal Ranch to get my BO with my boyfriend, there were a lot of people in there with their kids (saturdays) There were parents and workers all over by the brooders, but they seemed to be too busy to notice that some of the kids were trying to stick their hands in the boxes and grab the chicks. I was standing right next to a little boy that was probably 5 or 6 and watched him go to stick his hand in. He ignored me when I told him he shouldn't be doing that, so I bumped him and gave him a look until he left the box alone. I'm sorry if it's rude of me to tell off someone else's kid, but they weren't watching and baby chicks are not novelty toys.

Also, Sphinx, I will go back after work and check out your story! Gotta hustle right now and get ready, then it's off to the trenches for a little while.
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Lisa, no camera this time around.
I have the chicks hatching at the preschool, and there's no internet there. I even checked to see if there was a wireless internet signal around, but nothing. I really, really would love to have a camera so that way I could check on them whenever I wanted. The teacher in that room promised to call me when they start to really zip. I showed her pictures of the process, and told her to give me a buzz when it got to a certain point. I'll probably go back around 3pm today to check on them.
I have two pips you guys!

I'm really shocked one is a Marans egg, as I was just SURE they were a day or two behind the others.

I understand about the rescuing. Part of me wants to swoop in and save all those babies at the feed store!!

I'm in the short story contest from the easter hatch. I'm really hoping I get a couple of votes; I'd feel really stupid if I didn't. Here's a link to the stories if you want to read: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/...-hatch-a-long-short-story-contest-please-vote

Shinx, went to vote for your story, because I read it when you posted it on the hatch a long, and Iiked it! You're on top of the list so far!! With two others. Way to go.
Two pips! Fun to see, I will never lose the excitement of watching for that first pip..or two..
We will be waiting to see some baby pictures!
I have to, just have to, post another picture of Pinky. My daughter has a better camera than I do with her phone! So guess what I bought off Amazon? Yep, a better camera..a nice "little" Cannon. I don't want to have to worry about all the stuff that comes with the big guns. So, I call "her" Pinky, because one of her toes is pink on the end. Silkies are supposed to have all black feet/toes. She did. Interesting thing. I taped that toe when she was a half a day old, because it was crooked. No big deal right? It's straight now, but the end of the toe is pink! Not sure why! Here's the cute picture, I am falling for this little one big time, it better be a girl.
See the pink toe...cute...!
I love Pinkie!!!! I am thinking about getting a silkie, and she makes a compelling argument.

I checked on the eggs after school. No big progress, but the other marans egg pipped!!!

I can hear them chirping. But, school is locked and I'll not get to check again til 9am. -sigh-

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