Vacation for 7 days - Coop unattended but safe

Lola's Dad

8 Years
Mar 23, 2011
My year old hen (a loner) is happy and healthy and consistently lays an egg a day, in her 20" x 20" x 20" room which is attached to her 3' x 5' coop. Every morning, we open up her coop and she's free to roam a large fenced and safe area. She sleeps inside her 20" cube shaped room. In the morning, we open the lid on her room, take out her one egg and scoop out the feces she's left in there over night. We keep about 1-2" of wood shavings in her room for comfort; that's where she sleeps and lays her egg(s). Question; If we go away for a week, I've designed and built a great set-up for automatic watering and feeding so no problem there, however, is it OK to allow 7 eggs, plus feces, to accumulate in this small room where she sleeps ? What do you think will happen ? After a few eggs and some poop, might she choose to sleep in the main part of the coop ? If so, I can put down some wood shavings there too. Ideas ???? Thanks. Steve
I think 7 eggs and a week's worth of poop would not be a big deal, although you might come home to a broody chicken.
I would have someone come and check on her at least once if possible, to make sure there weren't any malfunctions in the feeding/watering system.

Oh, and she definitely needs a friend! Chickens don't like being alone.
Welcome to BYC. I had a loner hen once and she was as happy as could be...had her own small pen, small coop about the same size as yours. I agree that someone should check on her at least once, especially the feeding and watering system. Better safe than sorry.
-- just like everyone else I think if you have someone check in on her ... she'll be fine ..I would put extra shavings down,in case she does change where she sleeps and it will make clean up easier when you get back... have fun on vacation ...
from Alabama. I agree, she should be fine, but it would be better if someone checked in on her, just in case. Hope you have a great time on you vacation
i think she would be ok.. but I would toss the eggs.... never know how high the temps will get and to loose a weeks worth of eggs from one hen is ok.. i would not to risk anyones health for a $1 worth of eggs

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