Vaccinated chicken died of Marek's


Feb 25, 2015
My chicks were vaccinated while being incubated (in the egg). Sadly, I just lost a 9 month old hen. She never laid eggs. She looked great until the lay days. I had no idea. Her necropsy confirmed advanced Marek's with lymphoproliferative disease in liver, kidneys and ova. Very sad.

Can this happen? What to do about others chickens (all 9 months)?
It just happened to me too. The hen was a year old and died. The pathologist called and stated it was Marek's and will send tissue to Texas. I don't know why she got it. She was hatchery vaccinated which is supposed to be the stronger vaccine. How sad!
I'm sorry for your loss. Vaccines for Marek's Disease aren't always effective. In fact, even if they are effective, they only stop a severe case of the disease (such as paralysis of the wings). With your bird, the vaccine probably didn't work, thus, she died.

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