
I'll have to call them in the morning... thank you. I do believe I read that post earlier today - the name Horsejody sounds familiar.
I am thinking of vaccinating for Fowl Pox too as I live in the humid South & it is spread by mosquitos. It would be a vaccine that you administer when they are older.
Washington CountryGirl (Christiana):
They do have a new vaccine out that does not spread bird to bird. It is called LT-ivax and you can get it at first state vet supply.

Is that the one that is on Page 11 of Smith's for $10? OR JUST FOUND AT FIRST STATE:

: Which kind is this one?

If you vaccinate for LT, are your birds a danger to other birds NOT vaccinated for LT? Just trying to understand the LT vaccine. Thanks in advance.

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Is that the one that is on Page 11 of Smith's for $10? OR JUST FOUND AT FIRST STATE:

: Which kind is this one?

If you vaccinate for LT, are your birds a danger to other birds NOT vaccinated for LT? Just trying to understand the LT vaccine. Thanks in advance.


I actually called Smiths Poultry and she told me it is Fort Dodge who makes the vaccination (chick Embryo) Which I was told could spread to other birds. You are not suppose to show for 30 days once vaccinated with (Chick Embryo). I have had other people tell me they dont become carriers or are only carriers for 90 days. Im just going to go off what the vet and Gail D. book says. I rather be safe then sorry when it comes to a disease such as LT. In some states it is required to have this vaccination to show.
The only tissue origin vaccination I know of is LT-Ivax and is suppose to have no withdraw time. I will still quarantine my birds for 30 days after I vaccinate just because I would hate to give it to someones elses birds. I plan on starting my vaccination program in May or June once I have accrued all my chicks. Also you have to give each vaccination (fowl pox, Lt, Marek's) seperate to make sure there are no reactions. that are severe. Here is their website it tells a little more about it.

Edited to add:
I have read and been told not to mix vaccinate and unvaccinate stock. I dont know if they meant newly vaccinated or not. IMO Im not going to take any risks.
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Going back to the original Marek's discussion, the vaccinated chcicks should NOT be mixed for their first few weeks with the adult UNVACCINATED BIRDS for the chick's sfety (in not contracting Marek's). Otherwise & later, it is no problem to mix vaccinated with Unvaccinated Marek's.

Your "not to mix rule" just applies to LT or to Fowl Pox also?

Thxs, Chris
Im just learning all of this and yes it is LT I will not mix my flock. I wanted to share this info. because some people might find it useful. It took me forever to find the information on the web, tracking people down so I could ask them questions. I thought the original disscussion was on whether to "vaccinate or not?" And with all LIVE vaccinations I would keep them away from other unvaccinated birds for 30 days. but that is IMO. Im just trying to be helpful

It took me forever to find the information on the web, tracking people down so I could ask them questions.

Tell me about it. I know the feeling.

Im just trying to be helpful

You've been very helpful. THANK YOU for pointing to the safe LT vaccine at First State. I am still confused as to whether there is a "chance" with this safe [Tissue derived LT] vaccine that your flock can become a carrier of LT and whether you cannot take birds to shows with this vaccination like the other Chick Embryo vaccine (the dangerous one). Don't feel I know this for sure yet! Again, thanks!

Well I'm going to Play Devils advocate .... I am getting 39 chicks from diff Hatcheries being sent 30 days appart they will all be vaccinated.

BUT i have 24 eggs in my bator and have not decided weather i will try and vaccinate them or not .. do i keep them separate?

or can they all be put together? my bator chicks will be hatched with in 3 days of my deliveries.

as i said ALL will be chicks no adults.
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oh ya and there are no other adults in my runs this will be my first chickens on this property.. BUT again i am approx 1/4 mile from a tyson chicken station.
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I think someone mentioned keeping the vaccinated birds separate for 30 days before mixing with non-vaccinated birds. I would think that that would be true for chicks and adults. Can someone clarify? I have a bunch of adult hens that I have no idea if they're vaccinated or not. But I will have vacc chicks at the same time as unvaccinated, so I'm keeping them separate.

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