Valentine's Day 1st Annual Hatch Along


did they not get turned enough? 


Jim did the eggtopsies... a couple were upside down, about half looked like they quit around Lockdown, the others were questionable to me at LD and they were just dark swirls...
These were shipped, and most had a little poo smear... :(
Look at this cute little silkie. Beautiful colors...cute little top hat :D





Adorable!!! :D
I'll have to get pics tomorrow but the broody is done hatching. I took away some of her eggs and put them in the incubator so she hatched 10 of 12 I left. 3 pure ohiki, 3 cochinXohiki(oops), 1 porcelain d'uccle, and 3 ohikiXChocolate orpington cross. I've got 3 chicks in the incubator and lots of internal pips. Hoping they all hatch!
Jim did the eggtopsies... a couple were upside down, about half looked like they quit around Lockdown, the others were questionable to me at LD and they were just dark swirls...
These were shipped, and most had a little poo smear...
oh yeah... shipped eggs can scramble the chicks in a jillion different ways....
I'll have to get pics tomorrow but the broody is done hatching. I took away some of her eggs and put them in the incubator so she hatched 10 of 12 I left. 3 pure ohiki, 3 cochinXohiki(oops), 1 porcelain d'uccle, and 3 ohikiXChocolate orpington cross. I've got 3 chicks in the incubator and lots of internal pips. Hoping they all hatch!

Fingers crossed!!! :D
Jim did the eggtopsies... a couple were upside down, about half looked like they quit around Lockdown, the others were questionable to me at LD and they were just dark swirls...
These were shipped, and most had a little poo smear... :(

Some say dirty eggs hatch but ive had a v v low hatch rate with dirty eggs. Most begin to develop and then stop at some point.
Some say dirty eggs hatch but ive had a v v low hatch rate with dirty eggs. Most begin to develop and then stop at some point.

I've hatched ones with mud smears, no prob... but these were poo... and shipped... I wouldn't normally have tried hatching them, but Jim wants Phoenix and I need some OEGB pullets... :(

ETA: All my own eggs but 1 hatched no prob...
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I've hatched ones with mud smears, no prob... but these were poo... and shipped... I wouldn't normally have tried hatching them, but Jim wants Phoenix and I need some OEGB pullets... :(

ETA: All my own eggs but 1 hatched no prob...

So far, I've had 50% and 11% hatch rates with bought but dirty eggs... and 100 % hatch rates twice with my own clean eggs. I need to stop setting other's dirty eggs do I can win some hatching contests!
I'm happy to report that my baby who pipped on the wrong end made it out with patient careful help. It pipped, I opened an air hole. It got stuck zipping, I popped the top of the shell off. Then it got stuck to the membrane age I had to peel it off a little more. But it finally freed itself from the 2nd half to the shell just before midnight on Valentine's day. It's looking just as healthy as it's siblings and with them in the brooder, eating, drinking, pooping, chirping! Hooray! I know some say not to help... But I had to help one die this hatch. I figure it's only fair to help one live! It made me feel much better! Here she is with my other baby.

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