
we have a timber wolf (hes HUGE) that frequents our property but never bothers anyone, a pair of mountain lions 4 miles away that killed the neighbors new calf, a bear 2 miles in the other direction with a nose as wide as my bro in laws very meaty fist, a fox living behind our barn... um I forget the other things... I cant see any of them doing well on a spring salad mix but if they kill any of MY pets I will have a new rug!
I'm a sort of vegetarian but my family is not. I was raised on a farm and have no real issues with the ethics of eating meat though I do not like the way animals are raised commercially and slaughtered but if I were so inclined I would have no problem eating the meat that I raise where the animals are treated respectfully and even affectionately and then killed quickly and without stress.
We are animals also, and it is just as natural for us to kill and eat as it is for the coyote. And just because some become vegitarians this does not stop the abuse. There really need to be a national effort to make people aware of the horrible conditions at these facilities.
I eat meat, but only free-range. I don't have a problem with eating animals, it's a natural thing we've evolved to do, but I DEFINITELY have a problem with how animals are being treated (feedlots and such).
My daughter came back from her first year of college a vegetarian.
What a pain to cook a meal now.

I once new of a man who raised hunting dogs strictly on a corn based dog food. He insisted that they should not know the taste of meat. They were very healthy dogs.

Plants are living too, until you kill them to eat them.

I respect my daughters choice, but Give me a steak and don't ask me to use a separate utensil to stir your tofu!
I was not implying they can survive on a vegetarian diet. Well, they can..for a little while. I was just pointing out that they are omnivores. So are humans...and rats...etc..
Laughing at myself --
-- I just saw this thread and thought I had clicked on IT but, instead, I clicked the 'workout progress' one --

My first thought was, "Well, *I* have nothing to contribute to this one and what kind of 'vegetarians' ARE these people, anyway!!??? -- What's with all these 'lifts' and other exercises???"

I actually read quite a few of the posts, waiting to get to something about vegetarians, before I finally caught on --- allergy meds must have killed my few remaining brain cells -- duh, duh, and duh!
I don't eat meat except for an occasional piece of fish (if someone else is cooking!) -- I do eat most dairy products and EGGS (!!!)

As for recipes, when I find one that lists meat as a third or fourth ingredient I just leave out the meat and make the recipe -- there are a lot of good vegetable stocks available now and that helps -- I do like to cook -- we eat lots of veggie pastas, etc.

My husband loves chicken but he has to cook it for himself or buy the broiled ones from the store!!
We have been married a zillion years and I can't remember the last time I cooked any kind of meat!

I like Mary Tyler Moore's philosophy -- 'I don't eat anything that has a face' --
I attempted vegetarianism several times for the first few years after graduating high school. I found that I was always hungry and soy and tofu products just didn't sit right or satisfy at all. I ALWAYS thought about food, I was just SO hungry all the time!
So then I decided to give in and I only bought the organic free range meat although I know that stuff's not much better anyway.
I've always fought with a guilty conscience about eating grocery store meat, which is why my goal now is not vegetarianism, but self-sufficiency. I want to raise my own healthy, happy animals for food, and I'll be starting with dual purpose chickens soon enough.
I realize that it is still eating an animal, but in the long run raising and eating one's own food (meat AND vegetables) is far more ethical and "green" than being a vegetarian. Buying grocery store store fruits and veggies supports commercial pesticide use, and the refining of tofu and soy products, not to mention all the plastic packaging those products come with, create an obscene amount of pollution and uses tons of energy. Not to mention the pesticides used to grow soy. Even if its "organic" that doesn't stop the plastic packaging. Excess soy is just plain unhealthy anyway.
Supporting commercial foods and grocery stores is unethical in general, as is just about every thing else human beings do. The only true way to be "ethical" is to get off the grid, stop using energy, in fact create your OWN energy (methane gas) and grow your own food.

I don't want to just go to the grocery store, and realistically, humans can't thrive off nothing but vegetables. There has to be a protein source somewhere, which is where the tofu and soy comes in to play. To me, those are way worse than my own little backyard flock of chickens, or my own dairy cow, or my own hog pen.

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