Veggie Oil Spray for Scaly Leg Mites


7 Years
May 13, 2012
Willamette Valley, Oregon
I have a rather large flock. Some hens have scaly leg mites, some do not. I know eventually all of them will have it if I don't do something. I'm looking for a convenient way to take care of this. I read any type of oil should work. So I purchased a gallon of veggie oil today and put some in a spray bottle, then when the hens went to roost today I soaked all of their legs. Will this work when applied via a spray bottle? Or do I need to grab each hen and dip their legs in the oil? Or are their any better ways for taking care of scaly leg in a large flock? (don't want to use ivermection or other medicines)

It can be hard to know as the scales can take a long time to return to looking normal again. I think in some cases they never return to be totally smooth, depending on the severity, but someone may correct me on that.
It has been an issue in our flock and finally their legs are starting to look good again, even though treatment was some time ago, because they have moulted. They shed the old raises scales and grow some new ones whilst replacing their feathers.

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