Vent Gleet treatment help


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 31, 2013
I thought I had a vent prolapse in an 8 week old bird, Now I'm thinking vent gleet. I'm on day two and the bird is not doing well. I need some help with treatment options.

This link seems right except that I cannot make any sense out of the treatment option using Qickgel, which Google identifies as super glue, surely this doctor is not recommending I feed the bird super glue or put that in her vent?

any straightforward responses welcomed.
Did you read the part where the Dr said that gleet can be caused by a parasite, fungus or bacteria? Each of those would require a different medication.

That said, it's not usually the disease that kills them, it's dehydration and starvation. Tube feeding is the logical step, IMHO.


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