Vent Violation

The Hen

7 Years
Aug 26, 2012
Leslie, Michigan "The Place To Be"
I put the rubber glove on, ky, and checked Miss Rustie, but have no clue about how to know for sure what it feels like or where it would be. I felt nothing. I tried both my pinky and index fingers separately, moved them slowly and gently around inside and can't feel anything. Thinking now that maybe she has a mass instead of egg binding. The enlargement is directly under her between her legs and fits in my hand when i pick her up from underneath. She eats and drinks plenty and all the time so no problems there, but her tail hangs down and her wings too somewhat. She has been in the house now for 3 days with 2 bath soaks, heating pad, and a warm towel on top of her at night. And have also massaged the area and her vent, Hmmm. Not sure. Suppose to be warm in the high 30's next week so thinking i will introduce her slowly back to the cold and put her back in the coop. Maybe she will do better being out with the other chickens. I bought some citracal (calcium citrate with vit D plus magnesium) to give her, but not quite sure if citrate is ok to give her. Hoping she gets better soon or will last until spring to see if the warm weather might help her.
It sure sounds like Acites. A year ago, One of my older Brahma hens had a very large mass hanging below her vent and it was nearly dragging on the ground. It started off slowly, causing her to walk funny, like her feet hurt or something. As fluid built up, it made it harder for her to walk with that ballooning weight hanging between her legs.

Does it feel sort of like a water balloon when you squish it with your fingers? It's probably fluid buildup in the abdomen. It's caused by liver failure.

Not much can be done, but I elected to try to relieve the fluid buildup and try to make it more comfortable for her. I got a giant hypodermic needle and inserted into the mass, withdrawing the plunger. I was right. It was Acites, because the fluid was yellow and clear.

What I know now, though, is I should have started her on antibiotics before I tried to do this procedure. The site where I had to keep inserting the needle became bright red with infection, and she died. If not for my stupidity and the infection, she could have had a few more months.

Your Miss Rustie could also have an infection or a tumor, but my guess is Acites.
Thank u so much for ur post. I think it does feel squishy yet sometimes hard. She doesn't do much walking anymore just stands there. She moves a little bit to go to her food & water. She also mostly stands when resting or sleeping. Hubby is not happy with the money I'm putting into her so not sure what my next step will b. Do u know what the antibiotic is for as cites. Or since it is due to liver failure don't spend the ,money since her liver won't go back to normal anyway.
There's no treatment for Acites. It's the same as Cirrhosis of the liver in people. Both of them means the liver is failing and this allows fluid to build up in the abdominal cavity.

The only thing you can do, if you want to make her more comfortable, is to try to drain the fluid. You can do it yourself. I'll try to find the thread I did on it, if I can, and add the link later.

I can't stress enough, though, the need to give her antibiotics if you do go poking her with a needle. It will introduce bacteria, and I'm sure the fluid is loaded with bacteria, too. After I drained the fluid, my hen felt 100% better, and she wandered off to scratch for bugs. She would have possibly been fine for another several months if I had just thought to give her the antibiotics. Any antibiotic will do, like penicillin.

She died in my arms a few days later.

Found the thread if you want to read how I did it. i just wish it had a different outcome.
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Will the hen feel thin. She is all fluffed out, but when i pick her up she is bony. I noticed this am she is not as interested in food like she was yesterday. Made some mash for her and looks like she hasn't even touched it. However, my husband said when i went out to the coop she went to town on her other food (she's still in the house). We are going out today so will pick up a syringe. Thanks so much for your replies I do really appreciate it. Will keep this thread posted.
I bought syringes and with my husband holding Miss Rustie I went in below her vent and both to the right and left up at an angle the 2nd time about 1/2 of the needle and didn't get anything not even blood just air. Did I do it wrong or maybe I am wrong and there is really nothing. My husband doesn't seem to think there is anything in her belly, but when i feel under the other girls their bellies aren't as big. In my hand Miss Rusties bulge feels the size of a tennis ball. Is that maybe normal for her (RIR)? Maybe I am totally wrong about all this. I don't know what she felt like before as she would never let me catch her. Maybe she just is stressed from the new flock and being picked on more. She is still eating, drinking and pooping fine.

Below is a picture of her. Can anyone tell me does she look "normal". This is how she sits all the time and to me it looks like her wings hang low. Am i wrong?

Any of your thoughts are welcome. Thanks.
I hope you used a sterile needle and just inserted it once.

That nothing came out, means it's possible there isn't any fluid in there, which is good.

That the bulge is the size of a tennis ball is about normal for that area. Some hens are bigger, some small, according to how much fat they carry in that area.

All that said, from the photo of Miss Rustie, the way she's holding her tail down, I'd say something is sure making her not feel well.

What you need to do at this point is either leave her alone and just keep an eye on her, or re-post this over on the forum for illnesses and injuries. There are far more people who visit that forum who are much more qualified to help Miss Rustie.
Thank you Azygous for your response. I did post some stuff on injuries & illnesses about it, but wasn't getting anything. Maybe with the holiday ppl just weren't accessing the site that much. Yes, I did use sterile needles and even wiped the sites with an alcohol rub first.

I have not wormed any of my ladies since I've had them so thinking i will do that just as a precaution to all of them.

Thanks again for your response. I appreciate it.

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