Ventilation Suggestions

I supposed they sleep on the high roosts. I meant to lower these a bit. The others I didn’t count as roosts bc chickens normally don’t choose lower roosts.

The 2 top windows are not too small for 2 - 4 chickens if you have a good air flow. But air flow might be a problem if the coop is near to the wall.

A better solution is to open up the doors with hwc in front and close the back top window. If the temp is normal that should be fine if this is not the side were the rain is coming in.
This way you have a lot of ventlation on one side. If it gets real warm in summer you can open up the closed window on the other side too.
Okay thanks. Would you leave the doors open at night (with the hardware cloth of course)?
I'm not sure I understand the layout of this coop. Is the bottom of the closed section open to the run below? Without a floor?

Can you take photos from a little further back and from different angles so we can get a more 3-dimensional idea of what you're working with?
The poop tray was out, it’s usually closed and they have a ramp to get up and down. I’ve built a trap door with a pulley system to lock at night.
The poop tray was out, it’s usually closed and they have a ramp to get up and down. I’ve built a trap door with a pulley system to lock at night.
You could replace the poop tray with hardware cloth so you have ventilation below and above the birds. Also I'm definitely on team, those top roosts are too dang high. Have you named your chickens yet? Do you have any drawings of your dream coop?

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