Ventilation/Vents Placement



Apr 30, 2022

My husband is building an addition on our prefab TSC coop. I keep telling him that Vents are crucial. He was going to insulate, but I read in many places, that's not a good idea & vents are more important.
He is working on the roof. He just asked if he could put the vents in the ceiling/roof. I dont know the answer. I know high & I know over where they will be roosting, is a great placement. But, I'm not sure if vents in the roof like a skylight is a good idea.
Your input is greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much in advance,
Venting through the roof can work if properly sealed and flashed but they need to be paired with something to really promote air flow.
Do you have pictures of the coop? How many birds are you planning to house in it?
The wood on those things is very cheap and flimsy.
Venting through the roof can work if properly sealed and flashed but they need to be paired with something to really promote air flow.
Do you have pictures of the coop? How many birds are you planning to house in it?
The wood on those things is very cheap and flimsy.
Thank you!
Yes, I have some on my phone, I'll upload.
We have 7 chicks.
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IMG_4495 coop .jpg
IMG_4507 coop .jpg
IMG_4508 TSC coop .jpg
Tami has anyone mentioned to you that chicken wire is not predator proof yet?
It's a work in progress. We are trying to decide which would be safer. A secondary fencing of Hardware Cloth 1/4" or an electric fence. We have a boat load of predators. So, that is something we'll get up prior to putting them out there full time.


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