Verify my thoughts.... plz


May 19, 2011
I went to auction last night to get a few more hens since I seem to have an over abundance of roos... and I'm attached to them as well. I thought if I got more girls things would get better for the girls that are getting nailed. Anywho... I got 4 RIReds. When I got them home, 2 had 0 tail feathers and the other 2 only had one or 2 feathers. :-( Their behinds are beat red. My first thought was they were caged animals. Could I be correct? They will be free ranged once they prove disease free and can be among my flock. I just feel so bad for them. But they have a wonderful home now. TIA!
It's just as likely that this is caused by molting and/or feather picking that had been happening at their previous home. RIR are not *that* common as production birds in a caged environment as they are not entirely suited to that job.
Ridgerunner & Ol Grey Mare ... I haven't a clue. They aren't really missing any other feathers. JUST on their behinds and their tails. In my head they were pushing up against something. Of course I've always had a great imagination. I've had chickens for 3 years now and none of them have gone thru this type of molt that just affects their back ends.

Here are the two breeds I picked up - This one has the most tail feathers. She was modest and wouldn't let me get a direct rear shot. But she's bald as a babies behind back there.
You have picked up a red sexlink and a black sexlink. After finishing their molt and settling in they should become pretty good layers.

You do know your hens would be much happier if they weren't being harrassed by roosters all of the time?
Except, Sexlinks don't have feathered shanks. I think you've got some really dark partridge or mixed colored Cochins and production reds. That poor reds behind does look rough, probably the result of some feather picking. Throw a little extra protein at them and they'll have pants on again in no time.

Glad they've got a great home, good luck with them!
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