
Hi Vermonters,
I am new to chicks and new to this site (my chicks are 3 days old) I was just wondering if one has fresh eggs to sell. I live in Milton, and frequently go to St. Albans. I am looking for fresh eggs, because my son just started eating real food and I dont want to give him the junk from the stores while my hens are growing.
Hi Vermonters,
I am new to chicks and new to this site (my chicks are 3 days old) I was just wondering if one has fresh eggs to sell. I live in Milton, and frequently go to St. Albans. I am looking for fresh eggs, because my son just started eating real food and I dont want to give him the junk from the stores while my hens are growing.

Hello! Middlebury here - have you checked your local farmstands? or maybe a farmer's market - I know that Midd's farmer's market isn't starting until May, but they do have a small, indoor, one during the winter months. Good luck! I'm new to chicks to - they come next Friday!!! I can't even wait!
weee hooo only a week till we get our new chicks coop is finished just have to put the wire on the run and its done

Wow! I still have to build my coop - the procrastinator in me keeps thinking that the chicks won't even be in it for a month or two, and they don't even arrive until next Friday...
Just wanted to say hello to all my fellow Vermonters! We are born and raised Vermonters, in fact my children are 13th generation Vermonters on their dad's side. We bought our first house last summer and finally got chickens this spring. Right now we have a (very) mixed flock of Cornish X's, Colombian Rocks (2 hens, 4 roos) and 5 mixed hens (not sure what they are yet). The Cornish are getting huge and will be heading freezer camp soon, in fact I am ordering 25 Freedom Rangers this week for another batch of meat birds. I am really loving my chicks!

Welcome to the forums Beth
Just wanted to say hello to all my fellow Vermonters! We are born and raised Vermonters, in fact my children are 13th generation Vermonters on their dad's side. We bought our first house last summer and finally got chickens this spring. Right now we have a (very) mixed flock of Cornish X's, Colombian Rocks (2 hens, 4 roos) and 5 mixed hens (not sure what they are yet). The Cornish are getting huge and will be heading freezer camp soon, in fact I am ordering 25 Freedom Rangers this week for another batch of meat birds. I am really loving my chicks!


sorry havent been on in a while guys poultry math strikes again in addition to the 15 chicks we got last month just ordered 4 ducklings that come in on the 16
what are you gonna do oh well girls are doing great some friendlier than others but all alot of fun
I hope everyone is enjoying the spring!

I've got two broody hens and just discovered lice on some of my birds, so I've got to treat everyone and move the broody hens somewhere a bit more secluded.

Anyone ever try using wood ashes to kill lice? I've got some poultry dust, but am nervous about treating the broodies again at the 10 day mark with eggs under them. I have not let them keep any eggs yet, but hope to get them set up this weekend.

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