Very confused about gender of these chickens


8 Years
Dec 2, 2013
These 2 were originally kept by neighbours who fed them quite badly (just oatmeal...). Neither have laid an egg or crowed, although the bigger one has done the egg song and done some weird calling out in the morning which sounds different from a rooster crow but is still annoying. The larger chicken is 11 months and the smaller 10 months.

Breed ID would also be helpful but I think they are Cornish Xs even though they are so old already....

Please be quick cause my mom wants to get rid of the larger one if she gets no indication that its a pullet.

Thanks in advance :)
You will need to take full body shots showing the entire bird, tip to tail including legs, in order for there to be any sort of good gender assessment....the head shots are not sufficient.

ETA - top bird appears to be a white leghorn.
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You will need to take full body shots showing the entire bird, tip to tail including legs, in order for there to be any sort of good gender assessment....the head shots are not sufficient.

ETA - top bird appears to be a white leghorn.

However, the first bird does look like a rooster from what I can see and the second bird looks like a hen.
You guys were right... the larger chicken just crowed :/

How should I get rid of it humanely??? Council laws prohibit roosters.
I can't bear to eat it or perform surgery on it, my hands are extremely shaky.

I might try a no crow collar and if that doesn't work I will resort to giving it away.

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