Very cool Button Quail Found . Then Eaten

Your terrible....
That is a True Button Quail which is actually part of the crane family and not a quail at all.

What we call "Button Quail" in the USA to most of the world are actually Chinese Blue Breasted Quail. The Chinese Blue Breasted Quail are rumored to have gotten the name "button quail" in the war when they were kept as pets by soldiers who compared them to buttons on their coat.

Sad they ate it! To bad it couldn't have been set free! I would have bought it and set it free if I were a photographer!
That was what I was thinking. Too bad we can't see the feet, because true button quail that are a member of the crane family (order Gruiformes) only have 3 toes.
i doubt it was the last of it's kind, look at the camoflage on its feathers, now imagine trying to pick that out of a dense jungle. And its not a terribly interesting species so not much research has been done on it's numbers, in fact scientists just didn't take the time to properly research the species before declaring it extinct, so theres probably a few more out in the jungle. it's still pretty sad that people are eating endangered species, but then thats all they have.

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