very injured duck in need of help

im only wrapping tight enough that it stays put, can easily get at least 1 finger in between the wrap and her neck.
Vetwrap is supposed to be used with padding under it. Doesn't mater if it's a horse's leg or a duck's neck.

ill be sure to use some then. was trying to keep the weight and size of the bandage down, but i guess i shouldnt.
I know what you mean about the sticking. I have a bunch of rags that I made from old T shirts, so they are soft, flexible and pieces dont get stuck in the wound. I use them for cleaning wounds mostly, as for bandages I generally use animal lintex.

For food, we have this great stuff called farax, its a baby cereal made of rice? I always give it to my sick or baby birds. If not, soaked quick oats (she will get a lot of goodness out of the juices) or soaked layer pellets. Other than that the vitamin water with a bit of sugar is something I use too.
just changed her bandage, that small piece is still stuck but i was able to get the 2 outermost layers (the pads have 3 layers) off at least. soaked that last layer with as much as it would hold. yesterdays bandage came off easily so i guess i either didnt coat that first one as well as i thought or the tissue was dry enough to absorb all of it. still getting bubbles from the hole and there was a bit of water on that part of the bandage, however it was clear water not the orange color water she has to drink (the vitamin mix makes it orange) and she has a little clear water draining from her nose (very very little very slowly). also looked like there was some light scabbing around the edges of the wound.
just changed her bandage, that small piece is still stuck but i was able to get the 2 outermost layers (the pads have 3 layers) off at least. soaked that last layer with as much as it would hold. yesterdays bandage came off easily so i guess i either didnt coat that first one as well as i thought or the tissue was dry enough to absorb all of it. still getting bubbles from the hole and there was a bit of water on that part of the bandage, however it was clear water not the orange color water she has to drink (the vitamin mix makes it orange) and she has a little clear water draining from her nose (very very little very slowly). also looked like there was some light scabbing around the edges of the wound.
Can you actually see the hole? or is it so tiny you just see the bubbles? Hopefully that will heal and good sign your not seeing the vitamin water coming out. Great to hear the wound is beginning to heal.Sounds like your doing a good job of doctoring. I know you are relieved to get most of the layers off maybe next time the rest will come off. Are you rinsing in salt water?

I second that. When I had horsrs we would dress te wound with whatever cream or salve we were using and then vet wrap it. The veteran sticks to its self and I've never ha an issue with it sticking to the wound. It's also not super absorbent so it won't soak up most of the salve like cotton pads will. Maybe you could get a tall baby sick and cut the toes out and put it around the bandaging over her neck so it's also offering more coverage as protection without being up against her and uncomfortable. Good job cleaning it! When I did equine vet assisting that was my favorite part lol.
i can see the hole, started about like a toothpick poked through it but has stretched a bit bigger, the stretching was all on along the length of the neck so now its more like a slit but still not really big and seems to stay mostly closed unless the tissue is stretched (even when stretched it is still just a bit smaller then her eye in size). and yes im still using saltwater to both rinse and soak that bit of bandage.

also took another look at that wrapping video and compared it to what im doing, going by the video im not actually wrapping. all the crinkles in the wrap are still extremely visible and i dont pull it tight or keep any tension on the wrap since all im using it for is to lightly hold the pad in place and keep it from falling off. pretty much just using it as a non adhesive reusable tape instead of to have steady and constant pressure (wouldnt think that putting much of any actual wrapping around a neck would be that good, too easy to cut of air or blood flow even with padding). can post a photo of what im doing for the bandage if wanted, only side effect im seeing is that the wrap is coloring the feathers though.
i can see the hole, started about like a toothpick poked through it but has stretched a bit bigger, the stretching was all on along the length of the neck so now its more like a slit but still not really big and seems to stay mostly closed unless the tissue is stretched (even when stretched it is still just a bit smaller then her eye in size). and yes im still using saltwater to both rinse and soak that bit of bandage.

also took another look at that wrapping video and compared it to what im doing, going by the video im not actually wrapping. all the crinkles in the wrap are still extremely visible and i dont pull it tight or keep any tension on the wrap since all im using it for is to lightly hold the pad in place and keep it from falling off. pretty much just using it as a non adhesive reusable tape instead of to have steady and constant pressure (wouldnt think that putting much of any actual wrapping around a neck would be that good, too easy to cut of air or blood flow even with padding). can post a photo of what im doing for the bandage if wanted, only side effect im seeing is that the wrap is coloring the feathers though.
Doesn't matter if the wrap is coloring the feathers as long as it doing its job. Is she eating?
made her up a new mix with some banana in is (little runnier then baby food) and she was interested in it. not sure if she was actually eating or just rooting around in it bit i think at least some got eaten.

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