very injured duck in need of help

Been doing searches of the nearby vets, found one that might look at birds but the little info their site has on it refers only to parrot type birds. The other big problem in the way of having a vet at least look at her is the cost. As I believe I mentioned in one of the first posts for this thread I only have about $100-150 a month for expenses and pretty much all of it goes to getting food. If I'm real careful and get absolute minimum amount (talking no more then $1 a day for the whole month for me, still have to get dog food and bird food) then I might be able to scrape up about $50 for a vet, but that usually doesn't even cover the cost of getting a vet to look at her let alone treat her. $150 a month is easily doable for feeding everyone, but I have no spare money for emergencies or such and as is I had to borrow money to get the bandages.
Depending on te vet you may be able to work out payments. Eapecialy if they see the condition and that you've been working hard to take care of it. We had a miniature pony who had to be put down due to neurological issues...the vet didn't charge us because it was either pay to get him put down or let him suffer till it killed him. The vet was very kind as understanding and I know vets are expensive but there also animal lovers.
Been doing searches of the nearby vets, found one that might look at birds but the little info their site has on it refers only to parrot type birds. The other big problem in the way of having a vet at least look at her is the cost. As I believe I mentioned in one of the first posts for this thread I only have about $100-150 a month for expenses and pretty much all of it goes to getting food. If I'm real careful and get absolute minimum amount (talking no more then $1 a day for the whole month for me, still have to get dog food and bird food) then I might be able to scrape up about $50 for a vet, but that usually doesn't even cover the cost of getting a vet to look at her let alone treat her. $150 a month is easily doable for feeding everyone, but I have no spare money for emergencies or such and as is I had to borrow money to get the bandages.
What about getting help and trying to close it up yourself? Probably could find info on line on how to stitch. She has come so far with your care I'd hate to see this be a problem with her recovery. Why oh why are there not vets with sympathy for problems like this. There is a spay neuter alliance that does low cost surgery why not vets who help folks on low incomes?
Depending on te vet you may be able to work out payments. Eapecialy if they see the condition and that you've been working hard to take care of it. We had a miniature pony who had to be put down due to neurological issues...the vet didn't charge us because it was either pay to get him put down or let him suffer till it killed him. The vet was very kind as understanding and I know vets are expensive but there also animal lovers.
Many vets will euthanize for free.

The problems I'm seeing with trying to close it myself is that first she needs to get knocked out or sedated and I haven't found a safe way of doing that (I know that even at a vet there is risk doing it (more so with birds and small critters) but compared to the DIY it's safe). Second after she's out id have to find the edges, I can't see or find them now. Biggest hurdle would be getting her out enough to not move or fight me with the inevitable poking, proding, pulling, and then sticking from finding the edges then sewing it shut. I can sew quite well by hand, but never done it on anything more alive then cured leather so that may be another problem to work out since i dont know the force or delicacy id need.

As for surrendering her, only place would be the humane society and i dont even know if the local ones here would take a duck (never seen anything more then cats, dogs, and occasional rabbits at them and all the cats and dogs ive had were adopted) and they charge you for surrendering an animal.

Im going to try contacting that vet i guess and see if i can get an estimated cost for someone to look at her and maybe stitch her up if possible. hopefully it wont be too much or they might have a suggestion on what to do or where to look for a better option if they cant/wont work on ducks. would be nice to find an inexpensive vet that would be willing to at least let me watch on her treatment (if not explain it to me as well) so id have better luck with any future injuries, highly unlikely but would be nice.
Well you can always ask. No harm in that. And as for sewing wounds it's pretty easy once you get a stitch or two down. I've sewn up kick marks on ponies that were deep but not bad enough to call a vet. Cleaned and scrubbed and stitched like new. The hardest part is pushing the needle through the skin the first time because it feels like you have to apply a lot of pressure but if you just wait and ease it it'll pull less. Do you have any avian friendy friends who would help you wrangle her? Lol there's gotta be a way you can hold her steady like covering her with a towel or having er feet held and someone else holds her wings...

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