Very nasty picture, not for the weak stomach. Bad infection in the eye

I know this thread is old but has anyone ever thought of using a natural substance to treat their chickens and to. Ot poison them with toxic pharmaceuticals? I would have used SILVER on the chickens eye. Sovereign Silver can be purchased in a health food store. Put some in a spray pump bottle and spray. Nothing bad microbe can survive the silver and it usually downsize bother good microbes unless you have a lot of silver. Silver was the antibiotic of choice until the drug companies patented antibiotics, then it was thrown to the wayside because they couldn't make any money from it.

Always, always look for a natural solution first. Silver is awesome and is not toxic in the hydrosol form. Homemade silver on the other hand can be problematic.

The chicken pictured needed to have the pus removed, period. Sometimes you can tweezer it out, but usually you have to make an incision and clean out the sinus cavity.

As for "natural" remedies, you can have them... My motto is "better living through pharmaceuticals", lol.


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