Very poor health...not sure what else to do!

Well, hubby suprised me w/the day off so we did all our coop work today. We completely cleaned out the coop, dusted it for mites/lice (w/the stuff you'd find at tractor supply) and put up new roosts (have had issues w/bumblefoot due to the roosts I think). When we put them to bed we'll dust them too. We made some other repairs to the coop that were needed and did some clean up of the 'barn yard'. As a bonus, the goat house got cleaned out too :) We're going to TSC after while and I'll get the new wormer for them (and some more dust as I probably used too much in the coop but was playing it safe). My concern is having just wormed them w/the Wazine is it safe to reworm them so soon w/a diff wormer?
I got some sav-a-chick probiotic powder to give them for an added boost and even picked up a powdered antibiotic for 'just in case'. We lost our big roo yesterday. He was my sons pet and our 2nd loss to whatever we're dealing with. I'm determined to kick this and get these birds better. For some reason it's the boys that seem most affected too. We have another young roo we're doctoring now too.
Oh, once wormed, how long will it until I am able to see that it's worked for them? I'm not expecting egg laying to come back right away. I figure they'll have good poop again (not runny/watery) and I assume they would start gaining weight again. I just don't know how long to give it until I should worry that it wasn't it/didn't work. Going to go look into the wormer so I can make sure I don't get the wrong thing. Thanks for the help folks!
I got the Safeguard but now I need to figure out how much to add to the water. I know you go by the weight of the flock but I don't know if I go by their actual estimated weight or what their weight should be. They are all underweight. I have an idea of what they *should weigh, but not what they all actually do because some are worse off than others.
I have 9 ducks and aprox 26 ckns. There are 3 other ones that get out of their yard and roam, I'll have to put out seperate water for them too. I have 2 watering pans that I use (the ckns, ducks and goats all share) and the ducks have a tendency to get into one of them and go for a bath. They'll usually end up leaving their yard and wandering everywhere during the day too. I could just let them out right after they eat so they stay out of the waterer, but they can still access it to drink (it's right beside the fence and they easily get to it). Anyone have any dosing advice?
Good grief this is confusing! I'm looking into other threads and so far nothing matches up. I'm using the safeguard liquid for goats (fenbendazol). I'm seeing different directions for diff fenbendazol products (equine paste, feed type pellets, etc. I saw you can disolve some of the med in water then add it to feed, giving it that way, which may be good too.

I'm also wondering if you have to redose them so many days later. I'm SO ready for this to be done. Sorry I'm being such a bother! We've had these guys/gals for a little more than a yr now but I'm still learning A LOT as I go. One of these days I hope I'll be able to deal w/things more easily/quickly and have less issue because of my apparent ignorance. I'm just super annoyed w/myself for things getting away from me like this.
My goat and my chickens both get de-wormed with Safeguard for Goats (fenbendazole). The chickens get treated with .5cc/kg then again in 10 days. Can't remember what we give the goat.

The coccidiosis that goats get is not the same as the ones that chickens get, so you don't need to worry about that.

Here is an article about worms and wormers for chickens: Birds.pdf
Never mind folks *sigh*....I just found the answer to my question in my own thread, lol. Gonna do it this way...sure gonna be fun trying to catch the ducks to dose them too as well as the (nearly) feral younger ckns. (Had a very independent/nasty hen a neighbor gave us hatch out and raise some on her own....NOBODY could touch them or she'd flog the crap outa you! They have her attitude, lol! Not fond of being caugh and they're pretty good at evading us!) So we should be good now. Hopefully this works and we know soon that it is. Thanks again for all the advice!

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