Very sensitive LG

Fly Be Free

8 Years
Jan 18, 2012
South Carolina
I have a new LG with an egg turner that I'm using for the second time. This time on duck eggs. It's been less than a week the eggs have been in there and I've had one spike of 103.7 and just now it hit 104.

I know how SENSITIVE the setting is on this but DANG! I was having trouble getting the temps past 94 or 95 so I'd gingerly turn the knob just til the light came on. And then the temps spike!

Was wondering if I need to contact the seller to see about a replacement. What are your thoughts. I'm not holding out much hope on my ducks. :( I'll see it through but....
A replacement will do you NO good. I used an LG ONCE, it spiked and killed 36 shipped eggs. Sensitive is putting it mildly. I wish you the best of luck with that thing. I've heard that others have had success by putting it in a closet or other space where there is little change in temp.
I am on lock down with my first hatch in my LG. I put my in a cabinet and that helped stabilize the tempature. Once I put the eggs in it held the temps even better. I did have to adjust it at lock down because I took out the turner and the eggs were lower that was nerve recking because I am so close to my hatch day. But I worked with mine 2 weeks before I set eggs. Try again but put it in a larger box and see it that works. There is a great article on the LG on this site. Look that up too. I wish you luck. Pearl
Thanks Pearl! That's a great idea! I'll give it a try.

I am on lock down with my first hatch in my LG. I put my in a cabinet and that helped stabilize the tempature. Once I put the eggs in it held the temps even better. I did have to adjust it at lock down because I took out the turner and the eggs were lower that was nerve recking because I am so close to my hatch day. But I worked with mine 2 weeks before I set eggs. Try again but put it in a larger box and see it that works. There is a great article on the LG on this site. Look that up too. I wish you luck. Pearl
I just contacted the seller of the LG on ebay. (sklipper) AWESOME people! He's sending me a digital thermometer that is WAY better than the thermometer in the LG. :) I so happy!!!!!

If ya'll need to purchase incubator things please go to ebay and look up sklipper. I've not been dissatisfied one iota. Love them!
Glad this worked out for you for the better.

I just contacted the seller of the LG on ebay. (sklipper) AWESOME people! He's sending me a digital thermometer that is WAY better than the thermometer in the LG. :) I so happy!!!!!

If ya'll need to purchase incubator things please go to ebay and look up sklipper. I've not been dissatisfied one iota. Love them!

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