Very Sick Chick

Hi! I too am a new "mommy" to 39 babies.... I have a quick question about the colid... Can you give this to baby chicks even when they were vaccinated for cocci? I have what I'm thinking is a sick chic.. She's a RIR and is 1 wk old.. Smaller than the others and is getting trampled by everyone else because she is not moving. We moved her into a box for the night with her own bedding food and water... But I. With the others in the brooder... Chirps when held but falls right to sleep.
Hi! I too am a new "mommy" to 39 babies.... I have a quick question about the colid... Can you give this to baby chicks even when they were vaccinated for cocci? I have what I'm thinking is a sick chic.. She's a RIR and is 1 wk old.. Smaller than the others and is getting trampled by everyone else because she is not moving. We moved her into a box for the night with her own bedding food and water... But I. With the others in the brooder... Chirps when held but falls right to sleep.
No, don't use the Corid if they have been vaccinated against the coccidiosis already. It will mess up the vaccination. Can you do pictures? Have you tried giving them vitamins in their water? What kind of food are they getting? Have you called the hatchery you got them from? Mistakes do happen and she may have missed getting the vaccine. Talk to the hatchery and see what they say.
Ok here she is... About half the size as our others... She had pasty butt this morning and we cleaned her off. Some of the others where poking at her feet last night. She is more alert this morning. They are all on quick chick for their water and Nutrina nature wise chick starter grower. I have a couple others with pasty butt, too but they are growing and doing well.
Try giving her sulfadimethoxine. Dosage is 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water for no more than 3 days. Use an eyedropper to put a couple of drops on her beak to drink. Do this 5-6 times a day until she can drink the mixture on her own.
I am so sorry. I really feel your pain :( I have lost a few within the last few months. It's so hard.

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