Very sick chicks. Pale face/comb. Can barely hold herself up

I'm not sure I understand how testing a chickens DNA would catch Marek's, which is an extremely contagious foreign virus-pathogen. Unless they test the chickens blood for the virus' DNA????
I emailed the company to see if they will explain how the Marek's testing is done.:pop
I'm not sure I understand how testing a chickens DNA would catch Marek's, which is an extremely contagious foreign virus-pathogen. Unless they test the chickens blood for the virus' DNA????

Sorry I just saw this message. I'm assuming they are testing for viral DNA in the sample sent to them. I would have to ask the company that's doing the testing but they are probably amplifying the DNA from the sample using PCR then maybe using restriction enzymes to look for virus specific sequences. I'm honestly not sure though, sorry!
What different tests did you test for or did you just test for Marek's?

I'm so sorry. I totally missed this message. I believe we only requested testing for Marek's because so many symptoms seemed to match, but I would have to double check with my husband.
No, I don't think so. We tested our chicks for Marek's ( sent a sample into a lab, and it came back negative).

It is my belief that the only way to confirm or deny the presence of Marek's Disease is through a Necropolis. I would be very interested in learning anything I can about a lab test for Marek's Disease that can by preformed on a living bird. But because Marek's Disease is incurable I fail to see any purpose to a lab test.
Unfortunately our sweet little Cleo ( the one in my profile pic on my hubby's shoulder) did not make it. The vet's office is doing the necropsy so we can find out exactly what the cause was. Thanks for all of the help and support last night, to everyone that chimed in. Very much appreciated. We are brand new chicken owners and it has been a really rough ride so far, but the support and advice here makes it a bit easier. Thanks again.
What did the necropsies results show?
It is my belief that the only way to confirm or deny the presence of Marek's Disease is through a Necropolis. I would be very interested in learning anything I can about a lab test for Marek's Disease that can by preformed on a living bird. But because Marek's Disease is incurable I fail to see any purpose to a lab test.

I know that a necropsy is the standard way to diagnose Marek's and I'm guessing that's in part to availability of genetic/lab testing for birds as well as expense. We test humans all of the time for viruses using blood samples ( and other means), so it seems reasonable to me that someone has developed a similar process for our feathered friends. I just don't know the specifics of that company's process.

The purpose of the lab test in our case, was to give us an idea of what we were facing and how to proceed. By ruling out Marek's it helped us decide to attempt dietary modifications and employ a course of antibiotics. If it had been Marek's it would have impacted our treatment decisions for all of our chicks. That's totally a personal preference though.
What did the necropsies results show?

It was inconclusive for a specific disease, we would have had to pay substantially more for a pathologist to look at tissue samples and it may or may not have given us an answer. Our vet advised against it. We know she died from organ failure, but the underlying cause was not apparent. . Vet recommended weighing the chicks more often to ensure they are gaining weight appropriately and went through giving subq fluids before it's too late next time around. All things I wish I knew beforehand. I feel like we failed our poor Cleo, but I'm better prepared for the next illness that comes around. Hopefully we are through the worst of it though.

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