Very Strange Behavior


10 Years
May 7, 2009
Brooksville, FL
One of my new marans pullets (3 mnths old ish) has been acting very strangely. It's always very sluggish and almost always has it's eyes closed. I've seen it eat and drink normally, and I looked it over and couldn't find anything suspicious. But if it is still for more than 10 seconds, it closes it's eyes and kind of drifts off. When I approach it, it opens it's eyes and will walk away from me, but it is very slow and almost walks like it has to poop all the time. But it pooped twice in about 3 minutes, so i don't think anything is stuck up there. I put it up on a platform to watch it, and it almost immediately hunched down and closed it's eyes. When i touched it, it slowly got up, looked around, then slowly walked right off the edge of the platform like it couldn't see. I thought it may be blind, but it seems to respond to my hand when i wave it around it, and it did walk right up and get some water. Then hunched down right where it was, closed it's eyes, and purred. It is the strangest thing, it's not normal behavior, but it doesn't seem to be in pain, and I can't find anything wrong. All of my marans pullets are very quiet and docile, but this is different. Any ideas would be great! I bought 3 pullets off craigslist about 10 days ago. I have them quarantined, and besides being almost silent, all seems well except for this girl. What could it be??
What are you feeding them?
When she's standing around are her feathers `fluffed out' (will look about a third again as large as she really is) as if cold? (sure sign of something is amiss)
Have you just sat and watched the interactions of the three pullets? (the squatting and `purring' could simply be early submissive posture).
Have you checked crop or palpated abdomen?
Does she weigh less than the other two?

I'd separate her and bring her in (can monitor actual fluid/food intake and check droppings). Get a container of standard sized meal worms and spread them out in front of her and see if she either, lacks interest, or has difficulty with vision (hitting the bedding next to the worm for example).
Yes her feathers are fluffed out. While with me I have kept them on purina start and grow. The squatting was definitely not an act of submission. For the last two days I have had her isolated in the garage. I dont even put her in a cage because she is hardly moving now. She used to eat and drink, but now I have to force feed her and hold water up to her beak. Mostly she fluffs out and squats, but I have also walked in to find her standing kind of off-kilter with her eyes closed. She always has her eyes closed. I started giving her sulmet yesterday. Her poop has also gone from solid to a kind of mucous-like clear color and consistency. I have checked her all over repeatedly. No swollen abdomen, no discharge, vent is fine, she doesn't seem to be in pain when i touch her anywhere. I will try the mealworms today, though judging by her recent behavior, I am guessing she wont keep her eyes open long enough to even register what is going on.
I've got a year old hen acting sluggish. I found her on her roost this morning (my other 3 were running around happily). She barely made it down the ladder and almost passed out when I bent down to check her out.

I've separated her & put her in the shade with a bowl of food and a bowl of ice water (that got her to drink one time, right at first). I've tried a syringe to help her drink.. she sips what I squirt onto her beak.

She ate a little pancake, but only a few bites.. had a little water on her own, then with my help and won't eat her layer pellets! My other 3 hens (same age) started molting in the last month, but I don't know if she has. She was the top rung hen, all are red stars, now she is acting similarly to the first chicken on this topic. Her tail hangs down and will stand and walk around a little, fluffing her feathers, but won't eat.. isn't drinking. She doen't seem to have any pain, wounds, or swollen parts.. although I think her crop is empty. Also her comb is pale and her eyes keep dialating in and out.

I'm really worried and would appreciate any guidence!

Thank you!
Without specific symptoms (fluffing up and lethargy/sleepiness/loss of appetite is a lot like malaise in humans, a prodrome), it is hard to know much beyond their not feeling well. Could be a pathogen, could be reproductive, could be some other environmental stress, or feed related.

Separation from flock to a cool, clean area with access to food, water, and reduced lighting is a start. Close observations for other signs/symptoms is required.

Good Luck`

Some straight forward disease lists to review:
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