Very strange looking Rouen

Been away for awhile..

Ok here's some updated pics of the kids.. The trio look nothing alike.. LOL and sadly the mama duck was lost with her clutch of eggs last month when a crafty coon broke into the duck area.. :( So no more rainbow ducks for awhile..

Here is the yellow one now all white.. :)

Then the other two stinkers.. who joined the bigger guys last weekend.. :)

Very pretty ducks, sorry for your loss.
Well latest update of pictures.. The brown duck looks almost like a Rouen except for some blue feathers :) I think they are going to end up both being girls as they quacked early but the blue feathers on the brown duck are throwing me as they are typically seen on a Rouen drake, but being a crossbreed who knows.. :)

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That last light brown one definitely has Saxony in her. It's hard to tell what hybrid ducks will come out to look like. I'm surprised at the one that came out all white, though.
That last light brown one definitely has Saxony in her. It's hard to tell what hybrid ducks will come out to look like. I'm surprised at the one that came out all white, though.

Yup she's a special child.. :) Looks like a pekin in color but is defiantly more of a Saxony body type.
Wow! The varieties in colors is... astounding! Makes me curious about duck genetics. I didn't even know a Rouen/Saxony mix duck could come out all white.
I know saxonies will throw white offspring from time to time. It is because of the Pekin that was originally bred to create the breed.

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