VERY swollen foot. Does this look like a broken toe?

That's what I am hoping too! It seems to finally be moving, and I can actually see something (I think) under the skin. She is still eating and drinking normally, and I am praying it works its way out without having to start her back on antibiotics. Fingers crossed!!

As for my "egg bound" girl, Freya. I dosed her with calcium carbonate the day before egg, but she seemed to be back to herself. Then this afternoon she became slow and a bit lethargic again. I hadn't seen her poop at all, and was not home to see if she went and hid an egg somewhere this morning once I let them out. So I gave her 0.7ml of calcium gluconate orally. Well...of course then I watched her poop just fine a few times and realized she's probably not egg bound with those types of droppings.

I am back to square one now though. She is very quiet, which is not like her, and she is continuously (slowly) flapping one wing. She seems not to be able to "fluff up" and fully stretch out like she normally does. When she goes to attempt her normal big stretch, she stops as if something is painful. Any idea what this could be instead? It is abnormally hot today, but none of the others are doing this. She is also actively molting. She seems to be eating and drinking normally, and is very interested in mealworm treats still.

This link is to a video that I just took.
Bless, hopefully, it will continue to work its way up and out if not you may have to remove it.
Have you examined both wings to get an idea if something may be wrong with the one she isn't using? Possibly an injury. When we have an egg bound girl we give 1 ml and even if it isn't the problem it sure doesn't hurt. Does she fly? just wondering if she may have hit something coming in for a landing?
Have you examined both wings to get an idea if something may be wrong with the one she isn't using? Possibly an injury. When we have an egg bound girl we give 1 ml and even if it isn't the problem it sure doesn't hurt. Does she fly? just wondering if she may have hit something coming in for a landing?
Haha this girl has definitely had her calcium! Like you say though, sure doesn't hurt. And she doesn't fly, only the "runner flying" (where they get about 6 inches off the ground and they think they're flying). It could very well be a mating injury, but she doesn't seem to tender when I pick her up. She seems to go from the stance and mannerisms of the video I posted to completely fine, and then back and forth again. I wonder if she is just molting and overheating at the same time. I bet that would be uncomfortable.
You might be right. My geese are in molt right now and I can tell they are very uncomfortable.
Poor babies! It’s got to be uncomfortable, and there’s just about nothing worse than being both hot and uncomfortable. Freya seems to be acting like this more in the mid-late afternoon when it’s warmest, so I’m hoping that is all it is!
Thanks for all your help and suggestions :)

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