Very unusual chick, Guinea / chicken hybrid!!

I am curious to know what they will taste like when they die soon. I wonder will it "taste like chicken" :lau with luck I should have some Guinecken by the end of the year :weee so I can eat a couple and find out.
Wow and Double Wow...They just get better looking every time I see them! Hope you survived the holidays Bemba and followers from this post...I haven't been online here for a week and it feels like I've missed a whole lifetime already. Anywho happy new year everyone and good luck, andall.....p.s. Is it just my computer or did they do away with the smileys and stuff? I don't see them up top now?

They are getting a lot of white coming in on their fronts now and their chick calls are starting to change into adult sounds.... Such bizarre but beautiful sounds!
I I wonder why they die young, though, do you know anything more about the 'why' of it? I've always found hybrids fascinating but have done precious little research on it because of that very issue, the lethality of the hybridization. Hardly worth going to great effort for something you can't reproduce or preserve, I think, but I really do get the allure of hybridization despite that.

Side note, I just noticed it's just one duck in your avatar, lol, just duplicated. Do you breed them?

Did you see the details on why they all die chooks4life?
Well anyway whether they die or no is not of importance to any one here... all of our birds will eventually die, it happens....the whold point of this post as I see it is that Bemba is lucky enough to have special birds and we are fortunate enough to get to see a "rarity" as it grows. Mules are Hybridized and yet they live on to their twenties...just sayin...cant we all just get along?:)
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Well anyway whether they die or no is not of importance to any one here... all of our birds will eventually die, it happens....the whold point of this post as I see it is that Bemba is lucky enough to have special birds and we are fortunate enough to get to see a "rarity" as it grows. Mules are Hybridized and yet they live on to their twenties...just sayin...cant we all just get along?
Agree, I can think of a few hybrids that don't die just because they're hybridized. Always exceptions to every rule, eh?

I'm not sure if you're saying "can't we all just get along" because you've misinterpreted my intent or something, but fear not, I have no intention of making issues. I wasn't meaning any offense with my questions before, which is why I took the time to state that just to everyone was sure. :)

Best wishes.
Agree, I can think of a few hybrids that don't die just because they're hybridized. Always exceptions to every rule, eh?

I'm not sure if you're saying "can't we all just get along" because you've misinterpreted my intent or something, but fear not, I have no intention of making issues. I wasn't meaning any offense with my questions before, which is why I took the time to state that just to everyone was sure. :)

Best wishes.
NO NO It wasn't meant for you at all! No that wasn't my intent at all. Bemba and I already talked about it.I was making reference to some bullying that I was seeing. Not you though. We are totally ok.Sorry for the misinterpretation....
NO NO  It wasn't meant for you at all! No that wasn't my intent at all. Bemba and I already talked about it.I was making reference to some bullying that I was seeing. Not you though. We are totally ok.Sorry for the misinterpretation....:hugs

I know what you mean tacampbell I have been talking with several here about it and other things also not a fan of that bullying
Bemba the heads remind me of that hybrid guinea/peafowl I bred a couple of seasons ago. Ill take a recent pic of that bird and compare them!

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