Very weak, very sudden, please help...


Born city, Living country
11 Years
Mar 8, 2008
Eaton, Colorado
I checked on th ebabies a couple of hours ago. All seemed ine. Did one more check before bed and I found the silkie I got via mail-order Wed AM not moving. She wasnt laying down to sleep. She keeps opening her beak. No sound. I gave her some sugar water with eye dropper. She drank. Won't open eyes or move Help?! Oh Im so worried. Afraid she might die in my hand.
You do know that when the sun set chickens can go catatonic and zone out. It is one reason they should be locked up in a coop so nothing can get to them.

Everything shuts down and they are no longer of this world.

I can't tell you if anything or nothing is wrong with your chickens but I do know how they behave at night.
She looks fine. No swelling, nothing diff from others. This is the first sign of anything wrong with any of them aside from 2 pasty bottoms. Not her though. Oh what else can I do?! Her beak opens wide, no sound. Eyes still closed. Is there something else I should be putting in the water?
Serious?! So I could be panicking and over reacting for nothing....just like my hubby said?!
The other 11 were running right around her. She could just be ready for bed?!
If there is something wrong with your chick I don't know if you can do anything tonight beyond keeping it warm in a dimly light place.

Are your chicks on pine shavings for bedding? Could the chick have eat some and it got caught in the throat?
They are on pine shavings. She seems to be sleeping in my lap now. She layed down and got comfy. Thank you so much for your help Miss Prissy. Its like being a Mommy all over again! Mine is 13 so I forgot how stressful it can be!!
She is pretty much the same this morning. When she stands she falls forward. She prefers to lay down. She will drink from a dropper and I put her beak in some yogurt. She wont eat or drink on her own though.
Sorry it doesn't sound too good. I had one that did that and she died. I think she must have gotten fluid in her lungs during hatch. There was nothing I could do. She was breathing with her mouth open. I did the same thing you did. I just kept her fed and hydrated. It's sad. I hope she gets well.

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