
7 Years
Sep 2, 2014
NE Ohio
Three of my hens suddenly became really mean, pecking on 3 of my others hens to the point of the 2 almost have no feathers on the heads and backs. They all just turned 12 months old, They guard the food and water (I got 1 of each in the coop and runs), they guard the nests (got 7, they only use 4 to share) for 10 chickens. The coop is 8x12, run is 10x16.

Anybody have used the pinless peepers before? does it work? Do I need to cull the mean ones? Cull the weak ones? Separate them?, this morning I almost choke one of the mean ones the way she hurts the lowest bottom peckers. The egg laying is affected by the continous bullying lately. I like all my chicken but cant stand the bad behaviors I dont want to build another coop (cost $$$). Im almost tempted to fill up my freezer with chicken. I have few young ones that will be ready to join the flock in a month or so.

Need some wisdom please!!!!
Yes, people have had success with the pinless peepers, or at least I have read this here. If it were just one, I would suggest your remove her out of sight or hearing of the flock for a week, then return her. This is supposed to make her like a stranger, so therefore at the lower end of the pecking order. Maybe make soup out of 2 of them and separate the third??

There's certainly no one answer to this. Maybe some others will jump in here with their experiences.
Tell me if I got this right:
You have 10 hens total.....all 12 months old?
3 of them are abusing 3 of the others?

Space sounds pretty good.
What are you feeding them?
Layena with omega 3 and manna pro organic layer feed, this just happened in the last 2 weeks. I was letting then sort it out but today it was so painful to see and hear it like they're butchering them, especially the barred rock she is loosing weight, they all grew up together from the very first day. I was out the whole day doing yard work and I was hearing them.
I might try the pinless peeper, but for the meantime I might separate them before I go to work tomorrow. Maybe put the 3 mean ones in the run and lock up the rest in the coop since their nests are all in the coop. It just so weird, makes me so mad that there are bullies, 2 silver wyandottes and a white leghorn are the mean ones beating up 2 wyandottes and the barred rock.
Yes, people have had success with the pinless peepers, or at least I have read this here.  If it were just one, I would suggest your remove her out of sight or hearing of the flock for a week, then return her.  This is supposed  to make her like a stranger, so therefore at the lower end of the pecking order.  Maybe make soup out of 2 of them and separate the third??

There's certainly no one answer to this.  Maybe some others will jump in here with their experiences.

Are 1 yr old chickens only good for soup (not tender?) might be my next recourse by Sunday.
Thank guys for feedbacks! Gives me things to think about regarding chicken, I didn't know more work than I already put in
. LOL.
It almost sounds like crowding stress. Have you considered expanding the size of the run? It sounds a bit crowded for 10 hens, especially with more coming. It would also be helpful to add obstacles within the coop and run so hens lower on the pecking order can stay out of sight or hide from higher-ranking birds.

Alternatively, cull the bullies. Although you may find a new set of bullies emerge when you integrate the new flock members.

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