Vicious Rooster

Sounds like his testosterone is kicking in. Once they grow up they can basically have a switch where they don't like their human counterparts anymore. It's happened to me severally times. I've never gotten rid of a rooster for it. I like their aggression because that means if a predator comes in he is more likely to fight then flight. I've seen my rooster (Brutus) fighting a wild turkey hen once and he won!! So I know he is a good rooster to have around. But that is your choice.
Mmmmm, I'm lucky in the way that there are no small people or pets for him to dig his Spurs into, I can't see me getting rid of him for doing his job I'll just have to keep a bit more of a weather eye on him, if his attitude declines to the point where he is really aggressive or if he begins to bully the hens to much ( he has had a swipe at them a couple of times) I may have to rethink but for now I'm going to let him be.

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