Vid for the1much - others welcome to look but very graphic and stupid

I am a BIG reptile and insect fan! I used to have 2 Rose Haired Tarantulas, 2 Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches, 4 African Giant Millipedes, all different snakes from boas to corn snakes, iguanas, Prehensile Tailed Skinks, Frilled lizard, Uromastics lizard and various rodents!

What exactly does he eat? How many babies do they have at one time? Do they lay eggs or give birth?
aww man I want frilled lizard
. He eats crickets. I feed him 2 crickets once a month since he dont like to eat much. They can have over 5000 eggs I believe and they stay on the mom till they are big enough to leave. Unfortunately my bark scorpion who passed ate all her eggs.

I had and have:

red tail boas
leopard gecko
garter snakes
water mocisons

I know I am missing more. Just cant remember the names lol
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He is a pretty boy. A bit bigger than the one my 8 y/o has but not a lot. while I LOVE creepy creatures and have no problem holding any tarantula we have had, I just can't imagine holding our scorpion, however.

How do you KNOW he is a male? From the breeder or is there some way for someone like me to tell?
5000 EGGS!!
Holy Moly!!! That's a lot of babies!!! 2 crickets a month keeps him happy? how funny!

The frilled lizard was cool, he even escaped out of his box in my car and jumped out at a gas station!!! He was running on his hind legs under every ones cars!! Little jerko! Luckily he was relatively friendly and I was able to catch him easily!

I forgot to mention that I had 3 Veiled Chameleons and 2 Jacksons chameleons! They were cool! As soon as we do our addition on the house we will have an extra room to make our Chameleon room!
On the bottom of his belly he will have this bristle like wings. I guess they are sensors? The more bristles it has its a male. The less and its a female
On the bottom of his belly he will have this bristle like wings. I guess they are sensors? The more bristles it has its a male. The less and its a female

I have seen those on his belly. I will see if it looks like a bunch or a few bristles. I will do that when he is standing up at the side of his tank.....not thinking I am gonna flip him over to look. LOL
On the bottom of his belly he will have this bristle like wings. I guess they are sensors? The more bristles it has its a male. The less and its a female

I have seen those on his belly. I will see if it looks like a bunch or a few bristles. I will do that when he is standing up at the side of his tank.....not thinking I am gonna flip him over to look. LOL

You know you want to scratch his belly
. I want to find a girl so he can mate with her. I would love to get a nice collection of emperors going
OH........those.........How much did you pay for that thing. They run around our house all the time. I'll give you all you want for FREE. Usually find them in the bathtub near the drain or under a damp towell someone has left laying around. We just squish em and flush em. Hair spray works real good to if you don't have shoes on at the moment.......... OK, OK, Just kidding! We don't have em that big, just the ones about 1 to 4 inches long.
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Can you capture arizona bark scorpions for me please? I know they are deadly but I like them so much. I paid about $20.00 for him plus a florida bark. If you want to try and send me a few I can take as many as you want to send

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