vinegar in drinking water?

Not only does vinegar keep the "green" from forming in the waterers, but it can aid in digestion for the birds. I use vinegar a lot in the spring and summer.
thank you so much everybody! this is awesome info!
Ok, now what the heck does that mean? Comes with the mother in it? Say WHAT?

Why would you put vinegar in anythings drinking water....YUCK! What benefit would that have?

Sorry I should have realized you would not know what that meant. In my first post my point was buy any brand you like so long as it does come "with the mother".

"with the mother" mean's its unfiltered, so there are still apple parts/floaties in there, so they get the vitamins and such not just vinegar.

The why? The vinegar keeps stuff from growing, like bacteria and the like. It can also help kill of bad things internally for them.

Actually, the "mother" is the starter for a new batch of vinegar, and yes, it is not strained and has "floaties" in it-good for you floaties.

Raw ACV is extremely healthy for you. It is high in potassium, and is a general "picker upper" You've heard the saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"? Well, as healthy as apples are for you, raw ACV is that much better for you!!!

I use it in my girls water just for the health benefits-I don't care that it keeps algae away since I clean the waterer pretty much everyday, it is that it is sooo healthy for them that I do it!!
Sorry I should have realized you would not know what that meant. In my first post my point was buy any brand you like so long as it does come "with the mother".

"with the mother" mean's its unfiltered, so there are still apple parts/floaties in there, so they get the vitamins and such not just vinegar.

The why? The vinegar keeps stuff from growing, like bacteria and the like. It can also help kill of bad things internally for them.

Actually, the "mother" is the starter for a new batch of vinegar, and yes, it is not strained and has "floaties" in it-good for you floaties.

Raw ACV is extremely healthy for you. It is high in potassium, and is a general "picker upper" You've heard the saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"? Well, as healthy as apples are for you, raw ACV is that much better for you!!!

I use it in my girls water just for the health benefits-I don't care that it keeps algae away since I clean the waterer pretty much everyday, it is that it is sooo healthy for them that I do it!!

Ooohh! thank you for the info, one last question... Where would a person get this wonder tonic? I dont think my local grocery store is going to carry it!!

Thanks again for the good info, I get so frustrated dumping out water at this time of year, when I have to haul it out to them, and they dont drink it before it goes nasty...
I think most grocery stores carry it...I have a bottle but I'm not sure where I got it. If you see a bottle that looks completely clear (like Heinz), it doesn't have the "mother". If there's a cloudy jellyfish kinda looking thing, that's what you want.

Also I think I read that it helps prevent some parasites/worms... I'm not completely sure about that, but I know I read it somewhere.
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You can get raw apple cider vinegar in the health food section of grocery stores, or in health food stores.

Regular ACV is pasteurized and is therefore a dead food, and doesn't have the health benefits that raw ACV has.

It's kinda like the difference between raw milk and pasteurized milk, (which is a dead food-no healthy benefits from it at all, and since all good bacteria has been killed in the pasteurization process, has no good bacteria to fight off the 250,000 bad bacteria that the pasteurized milk ends up with) pasteurization kills all the germs, but also kills the extremely healthy bacteria that your gut needs to function properly, where raw milk has the lactase in it that your body needs to digest milk, thus, many people are allergic to pasteurized milk, and it is rare to find someone who is allergic to raw milk, because it has everything in it that is necessary to digest it, and has all the good for you bacteria that kills things like e.coli, etc,etc.

Read about it online.
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Yea, that sucker went bad, don't use it. The good stuff with the 'mother' in it seems to last longer, I always refrigerate it.

Hey, it's good for people too you know!

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