
? Should I put vinegar in my chicks water.

Bust out the torches and pitchforks :oops::gig

This is a highly debated topic. Some are convinced there's a lot of benefit to ACV (Apple cider vinegar) while others think it's either useless or does more harm than good.

That being said I use it in both my layer flocks water and my pullets. If you're going to bother with it get the raw, unfiltered kind with "mother". This variety is already loaded with good probiotics and beneficial bacteria.

I've noticed at the very least I have fewer serious issues than a lot of other people in my area and they seem to drink more than with plain water.

If you have to add anything else to their water like medication, vitamins, electrolytes do not mix these with ACV.

It's really a preference thing, I don't think it hurts any to try it, personally. Between lots of fresh water intake and good quality feed I seem to avoid several common issues and I think these factors help.

Another way to get the benefits of probiotics and ph friendly tummies is fermenting your feed. I do both! :)
Pictures of my coop. The dew cluck In.
eight Rhode Island Reds. All healthy and spoiled.

I'm familiar with spoiled! ;) We have seven total, three layers and four pullets.

2 barred rocks
1 buff Orpington
1 Rhode Island Red
1 Blue Andalusian
1 Easter Egger
1 Ameraucana

We'd started with three already of laying age for my son's high school animal biology class. Somehow that led to four chicks this spring from the Farm and feed store. Now I'm considering some rare breed chicks next spring hatched via broody :gig

Chicken math! The struggle is real! :highfive:

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