Vining / attractive / edible plants for the run fencing

You live in Tucson! I love Tucson. Lived there for 10 years.

You should put in a PASSIONFLOWER.

They grow like crazy in the summer, have the most beautiful flowers and are a host for butterfly larvae. My plant and my back porch was COVERED in butterflies. I am sure chickens would like that.
In some places they can be invasive, but in Tucson the heat and dry weather keeps them in check from spreading too much.

I miss the monsoons.
Sunny, we grew EVERYTHING in half wine barrels in CA..I used to buy a whole barrel for $15 and cut it in half..people are on CRACK here..lowe's sells the half barrels for $40 and people usually want almost $100 for their barrels!!

I don't know why they are sooo expensive here...I love them and I had them full of irises, tomatoes, cucumbers and squash back home..and YES! I am collecting 5 gallon buckets right now..but I didn't think about putting them in the ground..thank you!
Hi from the east side of Tucson. I also have a chainlink run. This spring I planted several grapevines, passion flower vine, tangerine beauty crossvine, and gourds. What's great about the grape vines is that not only can the girls eat the leaves/fruit, but the leaves will fall off in the winter when they'll need more sunshine and less shade. I had to put chicken wire around the bottom 3' of the plants to keep the girls from jumping up and eating what they could reach. I got most of these plants at the Civano Nursery on Houghton Rd. Hope this helps.
I like the bucket idea. Great for renters.

As for melons, there are some great varieties of mini-melons you can get at Baker Creek Seeds that would be good for growing on a fence. I grow them here since our nights are cool and full-sized melons don't seem to have enough time to ripen before we get a frost.

Check out the Rich Sweetness 132s.
This has been a great thread w/wonderful ideas!

I have decided on Mulberry inside the run (free along the edge of the yard from the local wild birds) and wild grape vine on the outside to train over the top (also free for the digging across the road in the ditch, probably courtesy of the wild bids also). I would have never thought of these without this thread!

Thanks ALL !
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Thanks guys..I have years of forum experience and know to search search search..before asking questions..but I just could not find enough info on this...I love Tucson, but we need shade and it makes sense to plant things on the outside of the link to make it more attractive..give that shade and treats as well..heck of a lot cheaper than full fence or privacy slats! lol

I know I want to go with beans, some flower vines and maybe some mini melons and cucs....and herbs..don't forget the herbs! lol

I will go check out Baker Creek Seeds..I already talked to the better half about the grapes once we are in our "own" place..and I love the bucket idea too..BTW..I found a WONDERFUL tutorial on building self watering 5 gallon buckets. I lost the orginal but here isa video for the same thing..this would work great sunk in the ground
If you don't get much rainfall you could try a plant like climbing rosemary which doesn't mind getting a bit dry. It smells lovely when you brush against it and the chickens don't tend to eat the leaves. I wish I could grow it too but I'm too far north so I just stick with bush rosemary and grow it in a pot.

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