Vining / attractive / edible plants for the run fencing

of on this topic, I just found this list of plants that are toxic to chickens- it seems kind of long, though. Anyone have any input on the list? I was specifically looking to see if baneberries are toxic to chickens. I have a proliferation of them growing on my property that I'm about to get rid of, and I was thinking I could transplant some to just outside the run because the wild birds seem to really enjoy them, but I know they're toxic to people. I also noticed morning glory and oak are on the list (although I love how it just says "oak"... not specifying the part of the oak that is problematic. Now I'm going to have to look THAT up since we live in an oak grove).
I am going to be putting a border of cinder blocks around the perimeter of my run. I am thinking of planting edible plants in the squares of the cinder blocks. This thread was very helpful in those regards :D

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