
Hey everyone! Just joined, but have had chickens for several years now. We live in Orange, VA and have a flock of 11 hens ranging from 12 weeks to 1 year. Even though we live in town we are able to free range them most of the day, but also have a pen built onto the back of our barn. I'm actually looking for more hens as I introduced a new one recently and the pecking order has been out of whack since. Should've introduced more than one, but she was given to me by a friend and is awfully sweet.

Our flocks consists of..

2 Buff Brahmas
2 Dark Brahmas
1 Light Brahma
1 Buff Orpington
1 Delaware
1 Dominique
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte
1 Golden Laced Wyandotte
1 Red Sex Link (the new one, also my profile pic)
Hey everyone! Just joined, but have had chickens for several years now. We live in Orange, VA and have a flock of 11 hens ranging from 12 weeks to 1 year. Even though we live in town we are able to free range them most of the day, but also have a pen built onto the back of our barn. I'm actually looking for more hens as I introduced a new one recently and the pecking order has been out of whack since. Should've introduced more than one, but she was given to me by a friend and is awfully sweet.

Our flocks consists of..

2 Buff Brahmas
2 Dark Brahmas
1 Light Brahma
1 Buff Orpington
1 Delaware
1 Dominique
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte
1 Golden Laced Wyandotte
1 Red Sex Link (the new one, also my profile pic)
I didn't know Orange would let you have chickens in town :) Cool !
ok so i was a bit off on what i thought it was. LOL then again, i don't live in the city, so the rules don't apply to me (thankfully!)

i think i'm a bit over the 10 bird limit. and probably the higher limit set for larger properties. LOL

here's a pic i took (ok multiple pics carefully pasted together) of the free range bunch. not counting eggs in the 'bator, chicks in the brooder or under a broody (or broodies for that matter) or birds in various breeding pens (tho you can see my self blue girl in the background). click for the full sized version...
Great Pic! I am waiting on a shipment that should come any day now so that I will reach my max of 10 for the city....hum wonder if bantams count as half since they are so small???? haha
ok so i was a bit off on what i thought it was. LOL then again, i don't live in the city, so the rules don't apply to me (thankfully!)

i think i'm a bit over the 10 bird limit. and probably the higher limit set for larger properties. LOL

here's a pic i took (ok multiple pics carefully pasted together) of the free range bunch. not counting eggs in the 'bator, chicks in the brooder or under a broody (or broodies for that matter) or birds in various breeding pens (tho you can see my self blue girl in the background). click for the full sized version...

What a nice flock of healthy, happy looking birds!
Hello from the Northern Neck! So nice to see so many folks from the Commonwealth.

Wish I had a pic of my flock to share...maybe soon I'll get them to pose

One large White Leghorn roo, three White Leghorn hens, one splash Silkie hen, three Ancona hens, one Brown Leghorn hen, one Rhode Island Red hen, four mallard ducks...and hopefully adding to the bunch soon!
What a nice flock of healthy, happy looking birds!
thanks. btw, for anyone wondering about breeds, there's a few EE's in there (dark legs) a few cochin fluffbutts, and everyone else (except the old english) is a dorking.

i'll have some of the colored and red chicks, and 1 or 2 of the silver grey girls at the roanoke swap on the 14th. come on over and say hi! i'd love to meet some fellow byc'ers. 8)

can't miss me, look for the black and white standard poodles in the back of a red pickup. they're my chickie-guard dogs.
What's up with the crows lately??? Has anyone else noticed this? I see the occasional single crow around my place but yesterday a gang of 20 or more descended on the back pasture and raised all kinds of ruckus for over an hour! I've been there 7 years and have never seen anything like it. Also, I've noticed dead crows in the roads. LOTS of them. There used to be an old joke: "Why don't you ever see a dead crow in the road? Because there's always one in the tree yelling "CAR! CAR! CAR!"" It was funny because you really didn't ever see crows in the road. Hawks, buzzards, even owls now and then but never a crow. Now I've seen at least one this spring on every one of my 'usual routes'.
Has anyone else noticed anything odd??? Or is it just me (again).
the larger flock is probably because the younger ones are starting to fly around a lot more. we've got a couple nests that fledged a week or so ago. they hang out in our cherry trees and raise a ruckus in the later afternoons. fortunately they don't associate my chickens with food... and the chickie babies are smart enough, when wings swoop overhead they dive for cover. even when it's my oegb roo launching from whatever high perch he's been hanging out on. (usually the sailboat.)
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