
Snow just starting in Northern Virginia. Chickens are snug in their beds and I bet they'll be SHOCKED in the morning!
We've got about 6" right now in botetourt co. I made one pass shoveling the run tonight already. We shall see if these crazy birds leave the coop tomorrow.
Manaze88, I have been reading a lot and it could be many things but most likely it is the weather. I am by no means an expert but I would suggest extra calcium, lots of fresh water, hand feeding the ladies snacks. My daughter feeds the hens baby spinach and I swear they purr like cats when she does. Good luck!
yup, got snow...but even better yet....Still GOT POWER!!!!!! WOOT! I am going to accomplish SO much today!!!!!


not liking that all the coops doors open OUT, though. I made sure that everyone had food, but unfrozen water is the next battle.

the dogs are out making yellow snow...
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3-4 inches here and. 1/2 my gals can't figure it out the other half are just acting like it's another day of snow. Brought them out some stale bread and all seems well.
3-4 inches here and. 1/2 my gals can't figure it out the other half are just acting like it's another day of snow. Brought them out some stale bread and all seems well.

lucky you... we've got between 18 and 24" depending where you measure... a couple of the girls decided to launch from the coop and disappeared into the snow. they just sunk! I had to rescue them and toss back itno the coop where they stood there in total confusion. one girl decided to drop an egg on the spot when I tossed her back in. LOL it cracked when it landed so I just smashed it and let them have the feast. LOL

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