
The wind isn't too bad around here, but we have rain and sleet. I practically wiped out in the mud as I slogged my way down to the coop just now. Luckily, I found 6 eggs -- so 6 out of 10 are now laying! Woo-hoo! So, the muddy trip was worth it.
Yeah, the wind can do scary stuff around here. Do y'all remember when that Duracho came through?, it literally took my friends trampoline into a tree.
Saw the damage first hand what the wind can do, to places like Glade Springs, a few places on state land I had a hand in cleaning up access roads to too. Hasn't been too bad here it blew one of my vents open and off the coop, but it was my fault for not closing it securely. I just hate the snow / rain because it turns the run into a mess, and the two lesser dominate roos end up stuck out on the roosts in my run.
Yeah, the wind can do scary stuff around here. Do y'all remember when that Duracho came through?, it literally took my friends trampoline into a tree.

yeah the derecho took out my power for 10 days... I remember that all too well. fortunately we have generators, so I was able to keep the incubators and brooders running and keep the animals watered.

but at least it was warm when that happened, I was able to get the coops and pens back together easily... it's 36 degrees here right now and with that wind I can't breathe out in it, to put my roof back on the pen. besides it's a 2 person job, and I've got just me today.
It's really windy here, with some rain mixed in. Stupid bicycle race is going on, so we're stuck not being able to go anywhere lol. Chicks are safe and warm in our back bedroom though, and doing great. Can't believe how much they've grown up. :)
Oh, I've heard there is a few bike races in Charlottesville.

Yea, they can't pick better places to do them....they find the worst roads possible and semi-close them to anybody but the bikers. If you want to go anywhere, you have to plan to leave before everything starts and plan to stay out til after they're over. It SUCKS. Days prior to the race, the bikers are training and stuff on our roads, but they will not pull over. They'll have 10+ cars behind them and won't pull over. I've been stuck behind them for 8 miles + before. Quite aggravating lol.

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