
Have Chick-Can Travel!
Martha looks on with disdain, while I preen over my chicken tractor project... This is pretty much straight out of Harvey Ussery's small flock poultry book. My chicken bible.. Still a little trim work, but the game birds I got from Cubalaya, at Gilmanor, seem to be happy here. It should overnight about fifty birds. The hatch at the back gives access to the egg nest, without stooping in from the front.
I like it but I would use hardware cloth, not chicken wire
The recipe called for hardware cloth & I bought it. Then my patience wore thin trying to fight it on the structure. The wire is doubled, everywhere. Hope it's enough...
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This design isn't a high security structure. The wire is meant to dissuade owls, hawks, etc. Ground predators are stopped by the electronet , hopefully...
Yes that works - I have enet also and the event I refer to was a sick hen in a chicken tractor outside the enet.
I have had a couple strands of Enet chewed thru also - but never made entry. Musta got Zapped in the middle of the chew. LOL
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I really wanted electric netting, but the cost is way too much and with little kids around... it just isn't gonna happen XD
I really wanted electric netting, but the cost is way too much and with little kids around... it just isn't gonna happen XD
Yep - Kids , daughter in law , me and four dogs have all been reminded don't touch .
Its like a cat on a hot stove - It won't jump on a hot one twice and it don't jump on a cold one either LOL
Yep - Kids , daughter in law , me and four dogs have all been reminded don't touch .
Its like a cat on a hot stove - It won't jump on a hot one twice and it don't jump on a cold one either LOL

Yep, I've been shocked by an electric fence, and it isn't pretty XD

I think it's kinda funny when a small bird or a squirrel get on it XD

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