
va raptor, I will let you know when I have some ready this spring. raising a bunch of red pyles, whites, and some gold duckwings and should have enough to sell some. other colors that I am working on: black, birchen, black red or dark brown red, and bb red

Thank you very much. They are all lovely colors, and if you're in Central VA, you shouldn't be too far from us.

Guess I better start redoing my Master Plan and preparing for hubby's wrath!!
Is anyone else having problems with their chickens not laying?, I am lol

2 weeks ago I was getting maybe 1 or 2 a week from the free rangers, nothing from the pens. last week I started getting 1 mille cochin every other day, soon I was also getting 1 colored dorking every other day. yesterday and today I'm up to 3 silver grey Dorkings (out of 7 hens), 1-2 colored Dorkings (2 hens), 1 Swedish flower hen (8 girls), 1 blrw (5 girls) and 1 mille cochin (4 girls). so they're picking up.

and no, sorry I'm not selling eggs this year. the last couple years I sold all the eggs early and didn't get anything hatched for myself by the time the girls all went broody.
2 weeks ago I was getting maybe 1 or 2 a week from the free rangers, nothing from the pens. last week I started getting 1 mille cochin every other day, soon I was also getting 1 colored dorking every other day. yesterday and today I'm up to 3 silver grey Dorkings (out of 7 hens), 1-2 colored Dorkings (2 hens), 1 Swedish flower hen (8 girls), 1 blrw (5 girls) and 1 mille cochin (4 girls). so they're picking up.

and no, sorry I'm not selling eggs this year. the last couple years I sold all the eggs early and didn't get anything hatched for myself by the time the girls all went broody.
Would you know of anything that might have made them stop laying?, they're young enough to lay, have a good shelter, and people I know around here their chickens are laying so it isn't the shortage of light...
Just a reminder since we're all thinking about egg numbers- Spring (well, almost!) is an ideal time to worm your chickens. After hunkering down in cold weather for a few months worms can be an issue although we have waited for thise eggs to come again. I received a 3 month old BLP pair in Dec and saw roundworms the first of Jan. I've never wormed before but seeing creepies in 1 pair made me go on and worm every animal just in case. An overload of parasitic worms can affect egg laying so 2 weeks (or whatever withholding period for your product) of discarding whatever is laid is worth it for a healthy flock and more eggs afterwards:)
@VA Raptor I'm not sure if you free range or not, but I had three silver spangled hamburgs and have found them to be hawk magnets. They are the only breed that I have lost to hawks and this last loss (yesterday) was a hawk attack survior from a year ago. Just a head's up! Not a breed we will get again for our free range situation!
@VA Raptor I'm not sure if you free range or not, but I had three silver spangled hamburgs and have found them to be hawk magnets. They are the only breed that I have lost to hawks and this last loss (yesterday) was a hawk attack survior from a year ago. Just a head's up! Not a breed we will get again for our free range situation!

Strange isn't it - everything I have lost to hawks has been dark colored and medium size [ 4 pounds or under ] - all loses were to Redtails -
My theory has been that was the size of young wild turkey or full size crow. Lost two bird 1 year 1 week apart. I put out Scarehawks - don't know if
it works but no more loses in two years.
WE free range in Enet
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Strange isn't it - everything I have lost to hawks has been dark colored and medium size [ 4 pounds or under ] - all loses were to Redtails -
My theory has been that was the size of young wild turkey or full size crow. Lost two bird 1 year 1 week apart. I put out Scarehawks - don't know if
it works but no more loses in two years.
WE free range in Enet

Hawks are my biggest problem here, but only to that breed. I had one other breed loss, but that was to a four legged predator, fox probably. I have three fearless roosters who do a fantastic job of warning the flock and fighting the hawks. I have been free ranging non-stop when I typically will keep them locked up from Nov til March, so I have been pretty lucky considering. I saw the hawk make a few low passes the day before yesterday and it took her yesterday. I had the dog inside yesterday as well, so that may have played a part in it. I accept losses for what they are, tax for free ranging, but can not help but feel bad for her as she was such a little fighter after the attack last year.

I guess we check that breed off the list and continue the normal lockdown routine until March with supervised free range in the afternoons. The flock isn't going to be happy with me… and might eat me out of house and home!

ETA: This SSH in particular was not a good example of the breed, mostly black with white on wings, head and tail, so that might go along with your theory on the dark colors!
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