
How old are they usually when they reach a point you can tell they will not be correct for breeding? So you eat those that you cull? I have several
Neighbors that will take my extra roos but they like for them to be a certain size or age. We got the Nascar chickens for meat birds from Murray McMurray but I just could not do it. I had guven them all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals they had recommended and they were strong and healthy and really quite active unlike the ones I got from TSC last year. But when it came down to it,...I could not do it. I gave them to
A neighbor friend and tild him he would be doing me me and them a favor by killing them by 8 weeks. These were the fastest growing, biggest, angelic, calm quiet and passively friendly chickens I had ever seen! I mean friendly. They would come up to
Me and pick grass off my boots like several other chickens just waiting to be picked up or petted. I felt so badly that I knew their heart and body could not sustain their growth that I Said never again. Now dont get Me wrong, I love my sweet English Orpingtons but by golly these were actual angels! But they are vred ti time out and die miserably if they are not on that table around 8 weeks. As large as the English Orpington gets I do not feel they are the best meat birds. Red Rangers, Freedom Rangers and Breese are the best meat birds. But the breese must get a special diet thoselast several weeks. Next year I might try Bresse again.
with cubalayas about 6 months. with asils it can be a year or more
I had to google them to get an idea as to what they were. Are they related to Cornish Crosses?? I have never really liked white chickens for some reason, they just remind me of battery hens and the farms they are raised in. :idunno
Hello! I am new to Virginia AND chickens :) we just moved to the Speedwell area and sadly we were tricked at a swap and got 12 total chickens 4 roosters in the mix and only 2 laying hens :( well were down to 10 now , one hen some how broke her leg and was put down humanely the other I found in her box half dead with a raging fever again put her down humanely. Sigh.. definitely a learning experience and after reading most of these posts we won't be buying from swaps anymore!

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