
We had a lot of fun at the MD swap earlier this year! Bought some nice birds!

And the bouncy thingie for the kids was a great idea!!

Can't wait for the one in October!

One of the sellers there had Katahdin sheep (didn't bring any to sell tho), and I lost his business card; so I'm hoping he's there again in October.

Hope everyone is holding up well with Irene. Thankfully I have not lost power *I'm lucky for this I know* and the main issue has been trees falling down and FLOODING. Not too extremely bad where I'm at though I've yet to venture out
Just sending some loves out to everyone and hope all is well
I'm out in Draper, VA - in the beautiful New River Valley. We got lots of wind gusts from Irene but no rain. it has been beautiful here this weekend, over all.

Hey Bobbie, check out pet chickens of VA. They have swaps all over VA and, I am sure there is one coming up in your neck of the woods.

The Gilmanor Farms swap is a big one.. try googling that one too
try east coast chickens, we have swaps at gilmanor, caroline county cfc on october 8th , and madison heights. get you some quality chickens, they cost the same to feed.
Well we had 20+ hours of rain. Downed tree limbs and a few missing shingles is our damage.

One hen died. She was a RSL that had just turned two years old. She had a bare back from being one of Mr. Nugget's favorite girls and she had begun molting. I wanted to call her "Bald Butt", but she obviously didn't feel well. She shuffled around with her head lowered and her body feathers fluffed. I kept meaning to put her some place by herself but I didn't have a spare cage. She was moping about in the rain when I braved the hurricane (stinging rain!) to check the birds and try to give them a bite of food. (They ALL were out in the rain. Dumbclucks.)

Sunday morning I found the hen dead in the mud. She might have been a flighty nut, but she was an excellent layer.

There are still several twigs and one large branch on top of the bird netting that must be untangled and removed. Otherwise life in chicken world here is just muddy. Everything is still drying out. I hope everyone escaped damage.

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