
We're in King George County and this is our first winter with chickens so naturally I'm wondering about winter stuff. We've been having the plastic waterer (3 gallon) and plastic feeder (3 gallon) inside the coop - both hang from the ceiling to keep debris out. I also had another plastic waterer on a cinder block in the run over the summer (5 gallon). I recently put that one away and put the 3 gallon one outside on the block. So now we just have the feeder hanging in the coop and the waterer sitting outside on the block. Feeders are easy because they don't freeze - so I'm thinking that my plastic feeder will be fine. Is that true?

So my questions are with the waterers. I've purchased 2 horse bowls to leave out in the yard with water over the winter because I read that they withstand freezing temps and breaking of ice well - I can use those if I need to in the coop or run.

But my question is - will a hanging plastic waterer in the coop freeze? The last thing I want is a big old block of ice hanging from their coop ceiling. What are your experiences?

This is the 3 gallon one on the brooder side of my coop - I'll have to have a similar setup staring mid Nov until mid Dec because I have 8 new chicks to add to my flock - they are 1 week old now.

Also I bought a heated plastic waterer - do I use that inside or outside the coop or does it not matter? I use pine shavings/deep litter for the floor to help keep heat in the coop.

Greetings fellow King George member! We're over by the base - technically we're Dahlgren. Just started keeping chickens this summer and love it. Can't wait to see our first egg this winter.
i have about a dozen b/b/s PQ (just because of toe spacing) that i need to move by the end of the week or i will have to cull them...will give somebody a great deal on them
There is a swap coming up this Saturday in Orange .Good place to sell your birds. If you have to work PM me and make me a really good deal and I will take them off your hands.
How old are the birds? What part of the state are you? I'm in Western Suffolk, in the South-East portion of Virginia North of the Carolina line.

In other words, if you are not hours and hours away, I might be very interested in two or more Silkies.
How old are the birds? What part of the state are you? I'm in Western Suffolk, in the South-East portion of Virginia North of the Carolina line.

In other words, if you are not hours and hours away, I might be very interested in two or more Silkies.

I'm a hike for you..birds were spoken for an hour after i posted but thanks
Well, at any rate I'm glad you found a home for them.

I have to get with the plan and start processing roosters. A few of the named boys have a pass so long as they remain well behaved. Middle child says "The mean roosters taste the best", and she is Miss Chicken Hugger.

Oh, is anyone else turning off the incubator until after Thanksgiving?

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