Viva Las Vegas!


14 Years
Nov 16, 2009
Las Vegas

Hello and welcome to the Las Vegas thread!

Hi all! I've spent lots of time on the NV thread and learned a ton from those people regarding chickens, gardens, recipes and such. I'm kinda jealous of the community they've formed there...jealous because most of them are in Northern NV, not exactly my neck of the desert. What I'm hoping for a community here, in the South so to speak, for flock folks in and around Las Vegas, to share experiences and ideas, hatching eggs, great finds, feed stores and prices, plans and dreams, etc. We have such a extreme and specific climate that we need to work together to keep our birds cool, healthy and productive.

Also check out SunnyDawn and the NV thread at this link here (they're all great!)

Here is a list of all the awesome people posting on this thread so far....(I'll try to keep it updated!) so we can watch our community grow....

muckmuck (E LV)

Peep_Show (Henderson)

evonne (Overton)

AleCat22 (NLV)

Holly31 (NWLV)

whatthecuck (NWLV)

whatthecluck12 (NWLV)


daegorn (Pahrump)

ke_ben (Overton)

LV Chicks (far NW)
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This is GREAT! I am a lifelong resident of Las Vegas and while the current Nevada thread is very active it seems that those of us from down South kinda get lost in all of the Northern "stuff" goin on. I'll post some pictures of my little flock a little later.

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I've had chickens in Vegas for 3 years now. I had some in Southern Utah when I was young and always wanted to have chickens again. I really love my girls and I often take my new chicks to an elementary school so that the kids can experience holding a real live chicken. I think that's important. I have an eclectic mix of birds. Some are hatchery feedstore birds, some backyard mutts, some designer birds and some pure breeds. I name all my birds, can tell them apart at sight and w/out bands, and I can even usually tell who laid what egg.
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I hope so too! I'm hoping for some eggs just like those. These are my incubators.

Nixie, a one year old splash Ameraucana I hatched out of ke_ben's eggs.

and Casino, an gamebird mix of indeterminate age but a tried and true momma!

So you have a BCM roo...what hens laid the eggs? The bright yellow distorts some of the colors but I think I may see green and white with the brown?
They are all either brown, blue, green, or olive. 6 out of the 20 candled clear, I'm pretty sure I saw veins in about half the others but my candling skills aren't refined enough to say for sure.

Hi all!

Just poppin' in. An LV thread (or South State) is a GREAT idea!

I won't be considering hatching again until the end of June or so.... I always like summer hatches because the brooder doesn't have to work as hard (and it's an ancient watt-chewing Brower). When it's set up in the sauna-like casita in the summer I just have to set the air-con to kick on now and again to keep the room cool, which is far cheaper.

Not much else new to report. Had a great trip to New Mexico earlier this month. Spent some time in Santa Fe, Corrales and Abiquiu. In Santa Fe in the International Folk Art Museum they have some wonderful chicken art. Corrales was neat because it is very ag-centered. Visiting the feedstore(s) there -- and the feed stores outnumber any other store -- they had a couple of roos in cages. I think they may have a roo ordinance there, but not sure. One roo was a sex-link and one a RIR...and probably went home to be someone's chicken dinner by now. But nice to see some chickens, nonetheless.

Had an early morning chat with a neighbor yesterday while we were both picking up our newspapers....she wanted to know where my chickens are. Sigh. Worked around the Henderson ordinances, but until the guy at the top of the street gets his karmic dues, I am relegated to stealth hatching and the coop a mere fantasy. (The guy at the top of the street has a real little man bully complex and has painted a vindictive bullseye on my back ever since I bumped him via election off the HOA board....I cannot even sneeze without him scrutinizing it). Someday, I swear, I will have a chicken empire.... In the meantime I live vicariously.

vegaschick: I think I saw Nixie when I was at your place, but did you have Casino then? (btw, love the marans that snuck into the picture. The coloring is coming up nicely) Any NYD eggs yet? I bet Token the TJ's egg chick has churned some out by now... Those leghorns are such overacheivers.

muckmuck: What part of LV are you in?

Has anyone heard if Leslie Doyle is doing the CLUCK tour this year?
*waves* i haven't been over here for.... well... i don't even know... i'm on facebook most of the time... the forums here just are so full of bickering he said she said they're wrong i'm right... and stupid people asking the same question rather than searching to see if they could find the answers.. etc... these where are you threads are different of course...
i got 3 pheasants from a friend.. 2 girls and a boy... and the 2 girls have gotten out and are MIA already... not even 2 months... i don't think i'll get them again.. this is the 3rd time i've had them and they're just way too flighty for me... i don't want a bird i have to worry about when i open a coop door...
my chickens are.. well chickens... i have a broody from Shanya (don't remember her BYC name) that has hatched 2 sets of eggs under the house since i got her less than 6 months ago... crazy bird... this time she was even more violent about protecting htem.. she did loose 1 before i could get her into a secure pen... she's doing well with them, and i gave her a boy friend, and a roommate, the boyfriend is great, the roommate we'll see.. she's being mean to her...
the ducks... i'm at 6 roens (1 drake 5 ducks) and 2 mixed (1/1) the mixed ducks are from ke_ben... the ducks drive me nuts with the way they hide their nests... or just lay randomly in the middle of the yard... silly ducks...
the peafowl are great.. 1 hen, 1 cock, he should get his full train this fall.... he didn't get much of a yearling train at all this year though.. so we'll see... i know nothing of his parentage, so don't know if he has crappy genes... i MIGHT be able to get some pied or black shoulder chicks this season or next (crosses fingers)
I'm on the East side, Charleston and Fogg area. We have a half acre that is divided into 1/4's, my wife let me have one of the sections for my Orchard/Chicken run.
Here is 1 of 2 BCM roo's my EE's and my Ducken all crowded into the shade behind my 12'x8' aviary I use as a juvenile pen the occupants of which you can see below.

This is one of my Mutts and the one I think is her momma.

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They are all either brown, blue, green, or olive. 6 out of the 20 candled clear, I'm pretty sure I saw veins in about half the others but my candling skills aren't refined enough to say for sure.

That's pretty decent. I'll be willing to do an additional test hatch for you. Can I get eggs from you then? Let me know and we'll iron out the details. I'd really like to set them tomorrow night if possible. I'm getting eggs from Holly31 tomorrow too. I really like the look of your black and white EE. She's pretty. I'd be happy with a few mutts like her. Is that a BR or a CM and is that a Blue Marans? I've hatched out quite a few BCM and CM crosses and found out they are sex-linked, I guess BR would be too.

Yay! East side!!! I sure wish I had more vegetative shade for my girls. They would love an orchard to run around in. Hmmmmm.....

I won't be considering hatching again until the end of June or so.

vegaschick: I think I saw Nixie when I was at your place, but did you have Casino then? (btw, love the marans that snuck into the picture. The coloring is coming up nicely) Any NYD eggs yet? I bet Token the TJ's egg chick has churned some out by now... Those leghorns are such overacheivers.

Has anyone heard if Leslie Doyle is doing the CLUCK tour this year?
I wish my incubators would wait until the end of June to go broody! They always seem to pick the most inconvenient times.

I've had Casino for at least 2 years. A family from church found her with 3 chicks in their front yard. After about a week and the death of one chick (from pidgeons) they brought her to me. She is a great mom. She'll eat anything that moves and a few things that don't. She is VERY fierce even when not broody...add those hormones and WATCH OUT!!! The wheaten-looking pullet you see behind her was one of her original chicks, Roulette, which I no longer have. The NYD pullets would make two of her! There combs are getting big, pink and floppy. I saw Winner mating with one the other day so I'm sure the eggs are on the way.
I haven't heard whether Token is laying yet or not.

Hadn't heard anything about a CLUCK tour this year. I know evonne went to one a couple years back or was a stop on the tour or something. I think she posts it the tour dates on craigslist or at least she has in the past.

*waves* i haven't been over here for.... well... i don't even know... i'm on facebook most of the time... the forums here just are so full of bickering he said she said they're wrong i'm right... and stupid people asking the same question rather than searching to see if they could find the answers.. etc... these where are you threads are different of course...
i got 3 pheasants from a friend.. 2 girls and a boy... and the 2 girls have gotten out and are MIA already... not even 2 months... i don't think i'll get them again.. this is the 3rd time i've had them and they're just way too flighty for me... i don't want a bird i have to worry about when i open a coop door...
my chickens are.. well chickens... i have a broody from Shanya (don't remember her BYC name) that has hatched 2 sets of eggs under the house since i got her less than 6 months ago... crazy bird... this time she was even more violent about protecting htem.. she did loose 1 before i could get her into a secure pen... she's doing well with them, and i gave her a boy friend, and a roommate, the boyfriend is great, the roommate we'll see.. she's being mean to her...
the ducks... i'm at 6 roens (1 drake 5 ducks) and 2 mixed (1/1) the mixed ducks are from ke_ben... the ducks drive me nuts with the way they hide their nests... or just lay randomly in the middle of the yard... silly ducks...
the peafowl are great.. 1 hen, 1 cock, he should get his full train this fall.... he didn't get much of a yearling train at all this year though.. so we'll see... i know nothing of his parentage, so don't know if he has crappy genes... i MIGHT be able to get some pied or black shoulder chicks this season or next (crosses fingers)
evonne! It's so great to hear from you. I miss you. What kinds of chickens do you have now? Besides the crazy broody queen....and where did you get your peafowl? I remember you saying you wanted some. Can you believe ke_ben was trying to get me to stick some turkey eggs under my broody girls? I don't have room for turkeys! What's next? Ducks....pigs...a goat? Ha! Definitely a goat or two or ten. An emu? Oh, wait, he doesn't have an emu...yet!

Please tell Shanyalv to get on here and help us grow this thread. We're trying to build a community here and we need EVERYONES help!

Thanks for posting everybody! Should we keep a running list of LV area people that post on here like they do on the NV thread?
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