Viva Las Vegas!

It's pretty somber here tonight. We lost Meg yesterday, and now Lizzie! I was just out loving her an hour before, but when hubby came home he discovered her in the garden. I think she was my favorite...our very first chick. We still have no idea what was wrong with either of them. The symptoms Lizzie had (swollen sinuses, bubbly eyes) we never saw in Meg. Meg just stopped eating and was droopy while Lizzie ate and ate and ate, right up to the end. At least the other 3 seem fit as fiddles.
I don't know if we can take any more loss right now. They were our first two.

Yes we will forever miss our Lizzie and Meg Lizzie was the light buff or yellow Brahma in the photo that whatthecluch12 has as her profile picture meg was the Rhode island red closest to her

Maybe we will adopt some hens when the pain is gone they were the friendliest of our flock. Poppy is pretty friendly but she might be forest gump friendly. The other 2 just kind of ignore us unless we have treats and even then they wont let us pet or touch them. Lizzie used to sing a song when we came out and brought treats we would say she would sing for things.
OK I'm just making me sad.

Hows everyone else flock they handling the heat OK and what about the 110 this weekend.

also Ive made some fermented mash is it supposed to bubble like its boiling? Its kinda kewl! I used some acv with mother and bread yeast for starter and added some yogurt as well. just made a small amount.
Hows everyone else flock they handling the heat OK and what about the 110 this weekend.

also Ive made some fermented mash is it supposed to bubble like its boiling? Its kinda kewl! I used some acv with mother and bread yeast for starter and added some yogurt as well. just made a small amount.

I lost one of my EE girls during that last hot streak a couple of weeks ago but the others seem to be dealing with it OK.

I have been fermenting scratch and mine bubbles also.
Have you fed it to your flock yet? Mine seem to like it.

All of my girls attack when I throw it out! Even my juveniles like it. Oh yeah the ducks really dig it when I throw a scoop in the mud bog by their pond. :p
So sorry to hear about poor Meg!
I have no experience with fowl pox but it sounds pretty yucky! Good luck there. It is amazing how many things can go wrong with chickens. I think back to when I was a kid and we had chickens and I don't remember anyone getting sick. The only major things that happened were the rooster attacking us when we gathered eggs and the neighbors dog getting in and decimating our flock. We had them for at least as long as I've had them now but I've seen a lot of issues in that time. My heart goes out to you. I ended up culling several of my sick ones just cause I couldn't see them suffer...and yes, I cried. After you lose a few it gets easier to realize that sometimes chickens just die with no warning and despite what you try to do for them. It is sad, but it gets easier to deal with. It really sucks that you guys are dealing with all this as new chicken keepers. Perhaps it is trial by fire? Regarding the IFA vitamins....I have the big bottle...but really haven't used it much so I couldn't say either way. I don't really know why I haven't used it. Maybe I should drag it out.

evonne, we may need more info on the drench. That is an amazing story! Maybe you can strong arm ke_ben into joining us and sharing some much needed info? What antibiotic did you use for the swelling sickness? I have heard really great things about Denegard for MG/MS but am reading up on it some more.

Max, thanks for the info on fermenting grains. That is so cool. I bookmarked the link sonvert feed. Many of my girls are on strike because of the trip. I'm only getting about 6-10 eggs a day since we got here, unless they are hiding them in the rabbit brush.

Now for the Broody Mama Drama update!
As expected the trip broke the new broodies; Widget, Viola and Marley. Casino held fast though and hatched out 7 little beauties yesterday and last night! Thanks so much to Max and Holly for the eggs! While all the chicks are mostly black (some have white or yellow too) the eggs they hatched from may ID them. We had one hatch from a VERY dark brown egg, one from a very olive green egg, and all the rest hatched from blue/light green eggs. I am so impressed with Casino. She is the broody mama BOMB! I will try to get some pics of the bunch tomorrow. So you can see how well my hatch matches with what Max hatched out recently. I gotta admit, those BCM genes are strong!

I'm baaaaaack. Well I'm here anyway. I haven't been on in well, forever. Evonne told Suzy to tell me that I needed to post and I always do what I'm told. LOL! Looks like evonne filled you guys in on the poultry drench. It is really good for quick nutrition and a good pick me up to get their systems working. I've been using it on stupid turkey poults with pretty good success. Vet rX is good for respiratory. I order from everywhere but usually

Sorry for the losses and congrats on the new ones. Cool fermenting and that is a blue cochin I think but need to see the comb better. Brahmas don't have that much leg feathering or butt fluff.
to all new folks.

As far as what I have, I'll have to save that for a later date when I have more time.

Ahhh..... Summer camp time! I like your rationalization.... Yeppers. Boys are prone to misadventure!

Hey, did the NYD Hatch chicks start laying yet? Just curious....

Hey! I need to get some pics taken tomorrow because I have gotten 2 eggs from the Salmon Faverolle which we have named Fifi and 1 egg from the heavier leg-feathered Wheaten Marans named Hortense! They are all so grown up and beautiful. Thank you so much for them! Winner is huge but is still apparently a chicken as he is afraid of the much smaller, older, one-eyed roo we borrowed for the summer named Jack. Jack is a Splash Copper Marans roo my friends got from ke_ben a year or so ago.

this is just the first link i looked at... there may be better prices out there, but this is poultry nutri-drench

Thanks for the link evonne! That is so interesting that it mentions helping birds through heatwaves. It's worth it just for that!

It's pretty somber here tonight. We lost Meg yesterday, and now Lizzie! I was just out loving her an hour before, but when hubby came home he discovered her in the garden. I think she was my favorite...our very first chick. We still have no idea what was wrong with either of them. The symptoms Lizzie had (swollen sinuses, bubbly eyes) we never saw in Meg. Meg just stopped eating and was droopy while Lizzie ate and ate and ate, right up to the end. At least the other 3 seem fit as fiddles.
I don't know if we can take any more loss right now. They were our first two.

Oh no! Not Lizzie too! So sorry to hear it. It is so hard to lose any birds, let alone your favorites.

I lost one of my EE girls during that last hot streak a couple of weeks ago but the others seem to be dealing with it OK.

I have been fermenting scratch and mine bubbles also.
Have you fed it to your flock yet? Mine seem to like it.


Oh man! Sorry about your EE girl! I love that you guys are experimenting with fermenting so that you can be our local experts! It lsounds like it's really good for the hens as well as more affordable.

I'm baaaaaack. Well I'm here anyway. I haven't been on in well, forever. Evonne told Suzy to tell me that I needed to post and I always do what I'm told. LOL! Looks like evonne filled you guys in on the poultry drench. It is really good for quick nutrition and a good pick me up to get their systems working. I've been using it on stupid turkey poults with pretty good success. Vet rX is good for respiratory. I order from everywhere but usually

Sorry for the losses and congrats on the new ones. Cool fermenting and that is a blue cochin I think but need to see the comb better. Brahmas don't have that much leg feathering or butt fluff.
to all new folks.

As far as what I have, I'll have to save that for a later date when I have more time.

Yay! Welcome ke_ben! I'm so glad to see you on this thread. I know that I've learned a lot from you, so I'm glad to have you here to share your experience. Thanks for the additional info on meds and a good source to find them.
Thanks for the welcome, how's Utah? So when are you going to add the people list to the first post. You know that you could just add a subpage to your BYC page and include the link in your signature line so that it could be easily found from any of your post.

Fellow southern Nevadans, have a great weekend!
Can I get in on some of that action? Pleeeeeeease!
My wife Karen got these from one of her customers in southern Utah. I think she's stringing me along
, after she brought these to me she kinda let it slip that her "buddy" has a couple other flocks: something like bask, clown and is working on cream leg something or others!
She told me he's goofier about chickens than I am.

Thanks for the welcome, how's Utah? So when are you going to add the people list to the first post. You know that you could just add a subpage to your BYC page and include the link in your signature line so that it could be easily found from any of your post.

Fellow southern Nevadans, have a great weekend!

Ahhhh! Thanks for the reminders! I will add people to the 1st page tonight. Great idea for my sig line, too!

Utah is good! I got sunburned 2x the first week here! We are about 7,000 ft. so you burn a lot quicker. It's been very dry here so we were excited to see some clouds the last 2 days, although we didn't get any rain from them. It's been a very busy week, repairing the run, hatching and (ahem) adding chicks (I totally impulse bought 2 chicks in Cedar City on Wednesday) and making a safe space for the new little family. We are trying to get ready for our family reunion too, so we've been pitching tents, mowing and watering lawns, moving around beds, cleaning out the garage, and I'm trying to get some garden planted. Whew! I'm about ready to come to Vegas for a vacation!

My wife Karen got these from one of her customers in southern Utah. I think she's stringing me along
, after she brought these to me she kinda let it slip that her "buddy" has a couple other flocks: something like bask, clown and is working on cream leg something or others!
She told me he's goofier about chickens than I am.

Oh, man! Cream Leg....Bar?!?
That would be so awesome!
You're killing me Smalls! Golden Cuckoo Marans, Barnvelders, Cream Leg Bar.....what's next? How did you get a hold of my wishlist? The only ones left are truly dark laying Penedesencas and Isbars, not that I'd say no to other varieties of Marans. I'm trying to collect them all, but I especially want a Splash!

ETA...I just realized that was the 100th post for our LV thread! Yay! Way to go everyone!


Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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