Viva Las Vegas!

We had about 15 minutes of heavy rain this evening on the East Side, it's gonna be a muggy day tomorrow!

These are my two Barney Babies.

Cute! Judging by their chest colors and the Barnevelder thread, I think you have a girl and a boy there! That's awesome! Do you plan to hatch out more?

My brother told me that a bunch of his jobs were canceled Friday due to rain. Yay! I'm glad you guys are getting some moisture. To bad the humidity has to kick in when that happens, right?!? It's been raining off and on here for a few days. Not the hard, heavy rain we get in Vegas during the summer, but more like the winter rain where it's gentle sprinkling all day.
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Yayyyy!!! So glad this thread was started!!! We have wanted chickens for so long and are now actually putting hammer to nail building our coop and hoping for chicks by the end of the month.

Every web search I did offered lots of N. NV fanciers but no Southern. So glad there's a community!

We are currently in search of three or four Serama or Silkie (or Sizzle) pullets though there is a good bit of debate as my husband wants Seramas and I want Silkies/Sizzles, especially as a friend is beginning her search at the same time for a 'house Silkie'. If anyone knows of a good place to find either, please let me know.

Too, I know, a while back, there was a tour of coops here a while back (as per a Centennial Voice mag some time ago). Does anyone know if there's a plan to repeat that event?

P.S. - Vegas Chick, Terribly sorry if I came too close to your tag name. I'm now realizing ones that I should have used instead....

.... desperately wanting to change username now.... Blehhh
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Yayyyy!!! So glad this thread was started!!! We have wanted chickens for so long and are now actually putting hammer to nail building our coop and hoping for chicks by the end of the month.
Welcome to the group! What side of town are you on? My little flock and I are over on the east side. I have all LF and don't know anyone with Serama's, Nellis feed used to have them but I ain't seen any there lately.


Oh I do have one adorable Mille de Fluer and plan on getting some more eggs to hatch this fall.
Yayyyy!!! So glad this thread was started!!! We have wanted chickens for so long and are now actually putting hammer to nail building our coop and hoping for chicks by the end of the month.

Every web search I did offered lots of N. NV fanciers but no Southern. So glad there's a community!

We are currently in search of three or four Serama or Silkie (or Sizzle) pullets though there is a good bit of debate as my husband wants Seramas and I want Silkies/Sizzles, especially as a friend is beginning her search at the same time for a 'house Silkie'. If anyone knows of a good place to find either, please let me know.

Too, I know, a while back, there was a tour of coops here a while back (as per a Centennial Voice mag some time ago). Does anyone know if there's a plan to repeat that event?

P.S. - Vegas Chick, Terribly sorry if I came too close to your tag name. I'm now realizing ones that I should have used instead....

.... desperately wanting to change username now.... Blehhh
Yay! So glad to have you join us! We are doing our best to build up our community but our thread is still fairly new. Let me know what part of town youre in so I can add you to the first post.

I know of a few folks who have a silkie (evonne, Holly31) but am not sure where around town you can get one. Maybe you could pm them and find out where they got theirs. As mentioned by Max, some of the feedstores have carried different bantam breeds in the past but I think that Jones Feed and V&V are the only ones offering chicks at the moment. I did find an ad on craigslist offering a serama roo and they mention they have hens and chicks but only the roos are available now. It sounds like someone local you could contact for obtaining seramas in the future....!!! Tell them about BYC and our LVNV thread, let them know that we could send business their way! Here's the link.

Hope that works! If not here is an excerpt of the ad...

"I have too many roosters, no pullets/hens available at this time, only roosters of excellent type for $25.00. They have the upright stance, yellow legs and red ear lobes that is required in the standard. The parent birds are from show quality stock, I paid $50.00 for the roosters and $75.00 for the hens. Email or call home phone, no text 702-647-2812, if no answer, please leave message."

One of our other posters informed us a while back that the woman in charge of the coop tour wasn't planning to do that this year. Hopefully she'll do it again in the future. I know a few who participated and had a good time.

Not to worry! You're tag name is completely fine! It just goes to show that great minds think kinda alike. It doesn't even seem the same to me. I come from a family of 11 kids and all of our names start with the same letter. To truly define ourselves we use numbers cause all of our initials are basically the same. Really! So honestly....there is NO problem with your tag name! If you still REALLY wanna change it you can ask a moderator I think.

I had a hen die yesterday. I noticed that she was sleeping on the roost against the wall and thought that was odd. Just 2 hours later I found her dead in a nest box. She was egg bound. She was one of the first I hatched out. RIP Honey!

Hi muckmuck! We're in the far Northwest, near Farm/El Capitan and Durango. Yes, all of our friends can't figure out why we're getting Bantams rather than LFs due to the 2-3 bantam eggs for every one LF but, the hearts want what the hearts want.
Mille de Fleurs can be extraordinary! That could work out very well for you!
Hi vegaschick! Thank you for the leads! I did see the craigslist ad for Seramas. You're absolutely right, I should give that person a call for future offers. We've also found a nice place in San Diego (always happy for a reason to visit the ocean) and a couple more much closer, in Utah. I'll definitely contact the folks you mentioned about their silkies. I worry about their reaction to the Vegas heat. We'll be bringing the Seramas in when it gets cold and, I presume, we'll need to do the same for the Silkies in the hottest periods. I checked with Sarah (V&V) and Jones Feed up here and they were both a no-go.

It's too bad about the coop tour. I was kicking myself for missing the last one. Who knows, maybe next year we could actually be on it :)

As far as tag names, I missed the obvious. I'm a redhead. My grandfather was always telling me the story of the little red hen and it's really become sort of a line for me, whenever someone asks if anyone wants to do something that I do not want to do ("'Not I,' said the little red hen").... Probably would have been happier with that reference. We are also thinking of leaving LV in a year and a half so....

Your chicks are precious!!! Barnevelder's are such a noble looking breed! It's nice to see that they start out so stinking cute

I cannot express how sorry I am about your hen. She was absolutely gorgeous. After such a special beginning, I'm sure she holds a special place in your heart.
As far as tag names, I missed the obvious. I'm a redhead. My grandfather was always telling me the story of the little red hen and it's really become sort of a line for me, whenever someone asks if anyone wants to do something that I do not want to do ("'Not I,' said the little red hen").... Probably would have been happier with that reference. We are also thinking of leaving LV in a year and a half so....

Your chicks are precious!!! Barnevelder's are such a noble looking breed! It's nice to see that they start out so stinking cute

I cannot express how sorry I am about your hen. She was absolutely gorgeous. After such a special beginning, I'm sure she holds a special place in your heart.
In that case, you should definitely contact admin and see if you can change tag names.

I only wish those barnevelder chicks were mine. Those chicks are Max's. They're on my wish list though!

Thanks for your kindness regarding Honey. It's sad to see them go but it's part and parcel of keeping chickens.

Hope everyone has a great WEEKEND!!!
Picking up our retired Serama hens this Saturday from a nice lady near Mt. Charleston! So so so stinkin' excited! I was wishing, during work today, that I could stop and pick up a head of cabbage for them, then come home and sit with them and our little 'frizzled terrier'.
I know everyone talks about the excitement and anticipation around 'hatching day'... I feel a version of that excitement now myself!
Picking up our retired Serama hens this Saturday from a nice lady near Mt. Charleston! So so so stinkin' excited! I was wishing, during work today, that I could stop and pick up a head of cabbage for them, then come home and sit with them and our little 'frizzled terrier'.
I know everyone talks about the excitement and anticipation around 'hatching day'... I feel a version of that excitement now myself!
Congrats! I'm so glad you were able to locate some Seramas. It sounds like you found a frizzle too? Any luck with the craigslist folks for future purchases? How'd you find your hens? Share, share!

I'm in countdown mode myself...7 days until my own eggs are to hatch! She's still sitting on 13 eggs. I need to candle again before "lockdown" so that we can lessen the load if necessary. The greens and dark browns are impossible to see into now though. Sadly, she kicked out all the Wheaten Marans eggs (3) we had in there. I guess that my WM roo must not have been getting the job done. He sure has been practicing for a long time. Good thing I have 2 roos in with the girls. I guess the chance of having the Splash Copper Marans as the dad is substantially greater if Winner (WM roo) is not getting the job done. Oh well, the chicks will be colorful!!!

How's Vegas y'all?
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