Viva Las Vegas!

Hi everybody! I'm out by the airport.
This might not be the best place to ask this, But I think our weather changes everything.
My chickies are just over 4 weeks old, and I have moved them outside to their coop (it is certainly warm enough). I just started leaving the light off in the coop all night, since the heat started. The problem is, they don't want to go into the coop at night. The run is safe, altho the water bugs probably show up in the dark. I have been picking them up (there are 10) individually every night at dusk and putting them in the coop for a week now. I give them meal worms during and after, but it's exhausting trying to get them all in. If I turn my back they start to escape and I have to start over again. I read (on BYC) that it can take up to 2 weeks to get them trained, but I don't know if I can make it. Any issue with letting them stay outside in the run all night, or tricks to get them in the coop? Thanks, I sure learn alot on this site.
Thanks! Yes, food and water everywhere. I'm so afraid they will be without. Hopefully tonite they are all in there waiting for their worm treats.
Anything you do special for the heat warning this weekend? I have ice in their waterer, am working on frozen water bottles and bricks in a shallow water tub they can stand on. They seem to like water splashed on them, so I was thinking a spray bottle too.
Will I ever relax and stop worring about them?
No you will not stop worrying. About. My girls learner how to use dog door so from 10am till about 5 there in and out of the room laying in front of fan or swamp cooler. I'm thinking of getting swamp cooler for there coop. I also slice water melon and freeze it for them
Thanks, I'm going to try that frozen watermelon, they like playing with ice. An update on getting them in the coop - THEY ALL WENT IN LAST NIGHT on their own!!!!
I'm so worried about my chickies in this heat... I gave them a bowl of ice to peck at this afternoon. They have lots of water and plenty of shade, but I'm still worried! A few of them look like they're panting.. is that a problem? I'm really concerned for the 115-120 degree temps in late summer!
Hi all,

I just joined today. No chickens yet; no coop yet...just an idea.

I hope to have both within the next few months.

I'm in North Las Vegas.

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