Viva Las Vegas!

I have an approximately 9 month old Golden Cuckoo Marans rooster if anyone here in Vegas is interested. I actually have 3 but want to only keep 2 right now.
Here are some pictures of my GCM roosters. As I said above 3 is 1 too many for my flock so if your interested in a nice GCM roo in his prime let me know.
Here are some pictures of my GCM roosters. As I said above 3 is 1 too many for my flock so if your interested in a nice GCM roo in his prime let me know.
Nice looking roo. I had 2 beautiful roos from you that I had to dispense with this summer. One was darker and especially beautiful. I'm looking forward to trying to get one of those lovely hens again next year. Thanks for your generosity. Oh, and when did you plant your mulberries? I would like to order some for the yard hopefully within this next year. What planting time worked for you? Spring? Fall?

Peep_Show Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Hope all is well with you in your new home. How's the winter weather there? Still loving my Wheaten Marans girls. Thanks for them.
I'm not full-time in NM yet.... Still twixt and between there and here, but hopefully this time next year I'll be regaling y'all with tales of veggie garden harvest and coop building. Looks like the end of March we'll seriously start schlepping stuff over. We're putting in a cider orchard this April, but being as how they're bare root trees it'll be a few years before any crop from them. Luckily I've got four other mature apples and hopefully this next year with all the chilling and water we'll have a crop. Spent most of the summer rehabbing the outside and getting it ready for winter. Winter will see working on the interior with painting and some remodel. I must say it's quite a project and lots of hard work (especially getting the yard under control as it went feral for a couple of years), but I'm loving it and it was a good diversion and outlet for working through a very griefy year.

VegasChick: Glad the wheatens are working for you! I hope to have some marans in a future flock....not sure of the color though as my "dream flock" changes regularly with the breed du jour. Oh, yeah...I want them ALL!
I'm not full-time in NM yet.... Still twixt and between there and here, but hopefully this time next year I'll be regaling y'all with tales of veggie garden harvest and coop building. Looks like the end of March we'll seriously start schlepping stuff over. We're putting in a cider orchard this April, but being as how they're bare root trees it'll be a few years before any crop from them. Luckily I've got four other mature apples and hopefully this next year with all the chilling and water we'll have a crop. Spent most of the summer rehabbing the outside and getting it ready for winter. Winter will see working on the interior with painting and some remodel. I must say it's quite a project and lots of hard work (especially getting the yard under control as it went feral for a couple of years), but I'm loving it and it was a good diversion and outlet for working through a very griefy year.

VegasChick: Glad the wheatens are working for you! I hope to have some marans in a future flock....not sure of the color though as my "dream flock" changes regularly with the breed du jour. Oh, yeah...I want them ALL!
Sweet! My aunt lives in Washington in "apple country" and they make their own cider every year! So delicious! They freeze it in half gallon bottles to use all year long.They have a freezer dedicated for that purpose alone. I love it when you can see the results of your hard work, and love it even more when you can taste them!

We went up to Hatch (Utah) to winterize our house on Friday and harvested a whole grocery bag full of chard from the hothouse! I loved growing tomatoes, beans, chard, zucchini, cucumbers, squash, potatoes and onions...and raspberries this year. Thanks to my aunt I have a good raspberry patch started and I added 3 more plants. I also planted 3 elderberries and have 2 more overwintering here that will go in next year. I also have some cuttings/starts of black clove currents that I'm planting next year. Gardening is very cathartic. I love nasturtiums and planted them all over (literally) the greenhouse this year. I loved to just go out each morning and putter about and then sit and enjoy the sights, smell, and general ambiance of the garden. I was so excited to see hummingbirds come in and sip at the flowers every now and then. It was so special to me.

Here in Vegas, we cut back the bucket tomatoes in September and I have several loaded plants with more flowers opening daily. The wine grapes I planted in the run thrived and are on their way to creating summer shade for the girls. I planted 2 fig trees and now have 2 pomegranates as well. This next year I plan to plant some fruiting mulberries.

I make and sell homemade jams/jellies and was thrilled to use some of my own raspberries and elderberries that I picked wild on Cedar Mountain. I've done really well so far, selling a lot more than I had expected for gift baskets and such. Before this year I had only sold at venues that would permit sampling before buying (which I love to do) so it was very interesting to see what and how many sold without that free taste. Next year I'm getting a Cottage License in Utah so that I can sell at some local stores and restaurants there. I'm so excited!!!

Regarding the Marans...I am getting quite a collection. I have the 2 Wheatens, 2 BCM pullets, a BlueCM, a Splash and a Blue Splash pullet and a Cuckoo X BCM mix. I still need a Silver Cuckoo and a Golden Cuckoo. Now I need to get serious about my blue layers.
Bhaugh I was selling the copper marans hens/rooster. I kept a few for my myself and sold the rest, the $30 price tag was due to their amazingly beautiful eggs. The compliments are never ending (I get anything from terra cotta to 7 or 8 on the marans scale every other day from my two girls). I looked on craigslist in a span of about 300 miles and couldn't find a dark laying pullet for sale anywhere. I also raise and sell creme legbars, blue orpingtons, and have a batch of lavendar orps that will be laying hopefully in five months. So if you see any of my ads, that's me :)

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