Viva Las Vegas!

Earlier in the year there were inexpensive speckled Sussex eggs being offered in Wickenberg, AZ....about 2 hrs drive from LV. I saw them on eBay.

If you go to eBay you can sort items by "Distance from Location" vs. the usual "Time Ending Soonest" and see what's available locally (or not).
Bhaugh I was selling the copper marans hens/rooster. I kept a few for my myself and sold the rest, the $30 price tag was due to their amazingly beautiful eggs. The compliments are never ending (I get anything from terra cotta to 7 or 8 on the marans scale every other day from my two girls). I looked on craigslist in a span of about 300 miles and couldn't find a dark laying pullet for sale anywhere. I also raise and sell creme legbars, blue orpingtons, and have a batch of lavendar orps that will be laying hopefully in five months. So if you see any of my ads, that's me :)
Are your cream legbars crested? They are on my wishlist for next year! Is that your blue copper marans roo on craigslist right now? Glad to have another local breeder of hard to get breeds.
Hello all! New here, to BYC, the Viva Las Vegas thread, and to chickens in general. Been reading everything I can and finally jumped in neck deep and built a coop/run for my wife for Christmas. I was going to wait until spring for the chickens but on the way back to Vegas from a wedding in central California my wife fell asleep and I took a detour...the long way home, and stopped in Norco at Chickens Galore. Really cool place by the way. I was dumb and only bought 5 hens, a BLRW, Blue Ameracauna, Australorp, Cuckoo Maran, and a white leghorn. My wife really wants a RIR but they were out. I should have just got two more birds instead of deciding to wait for the RIR. Now my dilemma, do I try and buy locally (I need two hens between 4-9 weeks old) or do I wait and make the 8 hour round trip back to Chickens Galore? Does anyone here know of a place I can get a RIR, Buff Orpington, Red Sex Link, Welsummer, or a Barred Rock locally in that age
I really only need one bird, but (I know I said it was for my wife...) I kind of am bit by the chicken bug now and I think 7 is a lucky number!
By the way we are in Northwest Las Vegas basically Jones and Elkhorn and its me, my wife, 18 yo son, 14 yo daughter and 2 yo son, plus a dog and three cats.

One other question, do chickens here need to be wormed like I've been reading they do other places in the country?

Hope I'm posting this right, forgive me if I didnt...
? how are all of your birds handling the drastic change in the weather I had my girls inside last night (only have 4) and they did not want to go out this am finally booted there buts out at 11am. I am scared to leave them out side as they have not had a chance to acclimate to the colder temps as just 2 days ago we were still 70 and now what was are lows are not are highs and there saying 20 for night time lows.
Hi there! I have been to Jones feed and CalRanch neither have birds of any age as of last week. I havent been to V&V yet to check, I might on my way home from work today. I'll call around, the others listed to see (thank you for reminding me about the listing!). I checked CL but it just feels shady to me, when I call people they cant really answer any questions and I just dont know about getting chickens from someone else without "knowing" their age or how well they are taken care of. I wouldnt want to bring one home and make all the others sick even though I know I'll quarantine the new birds for a while.
The weather has been crazy and looks like the cooler temps will stick around for a while too. I wasnt home to check on them this morning but my wife says they didnt want to come out of the coop either. I think she booted them out anyway like you did, so I'll check on them later this evening. This is my first go-round with chickens so I don't know how quickly they acclimate but it better be quick. Wife wants me to put a heat lamp in the coop, I don't think they need it but may put it in anyway this weekend.
Hi and welcome to our neck of the woods. Its not very chatty here I find so I spend my time on the Australorp page which is what I have now. Your going to be hard pressed to find very many chicks this time of year unless a breeder has some incubating. I placed 3 chicks last month from an experiment I did. Someone on CL has australorp pullets. I contacted him right before I decided to buy some dorking eggs to hatch. He seemed nice but I didn't go out to Moapa to see the birds. You will find most people on CL dont really know what they have or at least that's what Ive come across when inquiring. Your best bet is to go and just see the birds. There was another woman I contacted who had black sex links or a cross thereof out in pahrump. She said the birds were less than a year old. But again who really knows. I didn't go look at those either. They also have chickens at the shelter but remember your limit is 3 so dont mention that you have other birds if you go this route or you might be visited by AC. The last time I looked at the shelter some of the chickens were pullets so that was a big Yay. The one negative to CL is that people will try and sell you older birds that are past their prime so to speak on laying. Hard to tell age. Maybe others will chime in and sell you a couple birds if they have anything for sale. Some breeders online will send out chicks this time of year. I don't think the hatcheries will though.

I'm not sure I would want month old chicks out right now trying to acclimate to the cold but that's just me. Maybe you could put them in the garage?

Hi Barb! Thank you for all the information. Thats what I am here for, to keep learning. I saw the add for the gentleman with the Australops in Moapa, but I have one already so I will hold out until spring I think for two more different breeds of hens. Plus, that will give me more time to make our run/coop better with what I learn as I read more info. The shelter sounds interesting though, I might take a look, never thought they would have chickens. There is a limit of 3 from the shelter? Isnt that the limit for the city? My lot is in the county and when I called they said I could have up to 20 hens and three roosters as long as the roosters were under a certain age. I don't remember exactly what he said about the roosters or age because I never plan on getting any. I won't go over 7 hens anyways, unless my wife decides she wants one or two of those fancy looking hens with the headgear and /or feathered feet. My MAX is 9, as I have 110sqft of run and enough room in the coop for that many without it being too crowded.
The garage isnt an option for me, nor anywhere in the house to keep my chickens until it warms up. But I put my coop/run in a place that is very protected from the wind, its totally covered (top) and has different areas for them to go to stay out of the weather if they choose. Not that any of that has anything to do with the cold temperature, but I will address it tomorrow. I will be adding a infrared heater for the run, covering the spot their waterer and feeder is, plus the outdoor roost I put out there for them. They will have plenty of room to warm up and plenty of area for them to find cooler spots too. As for the coop, I will install a small infrared heater in there with a temperature and humidity gauge. That way I can keep an eye on the heat in there to make sure it isnt too warm or moist. I'll put them on timers eventually to have the coop heater come on at night, and the run heater to come on in the morning for a few hours until the day warms up enough. While I am at it, I will put up a string of red LED Christmas lights inside the coop, that way I can turn that on when I need to check on them at night without disturbing their sleep by shining a flashlight in there. And I thouight I was done, and just waiting on eggs...
Whew! Sorry for the long post! If you notice anything I am doing wrong or have any suggestions please tell me, I am new and learning but want to get it right without sacrificing their health or safety.
Hello all! New here, to BYC, the Viva Las Vegas thread, and to chickens in general. Been reading everything I can and finally jumped in neck deep and built a coop/run for my wife for Christmas. I was going to wait until spring for the chickens but on the way back to Vegas from a wedding in central California my wife fell asleep and I took a detour...the long way home, and stopped in Norco at Chickens Galore. Really cool place by the way. I was dumb and only bought 5 hens, a BLRW, Blue Ameracauna, Australorp, Cuckoo Maran, and a white leghorn. My wife really wants a RIR but they were out. I should have just got two more birds instead of deciding to wait for the RIR. Now my dilemma, do I try and buy locally (I need two hens between 4-9 weeks old) or do I wait and make the 8 hour round trip back to Chickens Galore? Does anyone here know of a place I can get a RIR, Buff Orpington, Red Sex Link, Welsummer, or a Barred Rock locally in that age
I really only need one bird, but (I know I said it was for my wife...) I kind of am bit by the chicken bug now and I think 7 is a lucky number!
By the way we are in Northwest Las Vegas basically Jones and Elkhorn and its me, my wife, 18 yo son, 14 yo daughter and 2 yo son, plus a dog and three cats.

One other question, do chickens here need to be wormed like I've been reading they do other places in the country?

Hope I'm posting this right, forgive me if I didnt...
Welcome! Glad to have you here! I worm my girls. I have actually seen worms in their poo before so I know they need it!

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