Viva Las Vegas!

Hey everyone! I have Creme Legbars in the bator! They're at week 1! So excited, I have 33 going right now. I don't know if you all are familiar with the breed but the amazing thing about these guys is that they are an autosexing breed. This means at day 1 there is a visible difference between the males and females. It's quite awesome. This is my first batch of legbars that I am hatching from my little flock so I'm very excited to see what the fertility rate is (will find out today!) and how many I get to hatch from the original 33. I'm also hatching some marans/orpington mix eggs. I didn't keep any marans roosters because they were just not very good quality, will not buy from that breeder again. I love my orps and I'm actually infatuated with my two marans hens, they have SO much personality, they lay beautiful eggs and are pretty steady producers- I think these little "mutts" will be neat.

Anyone working on any chicken projects of their own?

Random side question......anyone know anyone that has guineas in the area?
Hey Tumbleweed, do you sell hatching eggs? It would be great to get some locally rather than ship them in. I have two Golden Cuckoo Marans Roos in with 3 GCM, 3 BCM, 2 EE, and 2 OE hens and they just started laying.
Ill be setting eggs Wednesday or Thursday in the bator and probably wont set again till fall. I am hoping to buy some clb eggs from Tumbleweed and want to know if anyone else has eggs to sell.

PM me with details and pics of your birds.

Hello fellow Las Vegans! I live in Henderson and have two production reds and two australorps I recently bought from Barb. Thanks Barb! Here's some pics of your girls, happy and healthy in their new home with us! My kids love them (the only pet that makes us breakfast!)



The light colored egg on the right is Jedi's. She's laying full size now!
So good to hear from you. The gals look great and I'm glad you like them as well. So is the egg on the left Ruthie's or one of yours?

The egg on the left is one of mine. Ruthie hasn't graced us with an egg yet, but she's now squatting almost every time I go to pick her up, so it should be any day now. So far the girls' favorite treats (besides mealworms and crickets of course) has been oatmeal and fresh corn. To watch them guzzle cold oatmeal is almost as fun as watching them chase after crickets. Such a pleasure to have them!
Hello Las Vegans! I have Creme Legbar chicks that are hatching in the next few days - I am attaching the link to my CL ad. Call or text if you are interested or have questions :) I will have black orp/black copper marans combo in a week and blue orp babies in the next few months.

I dont know if I can wait for my eggs to hatch (ugh have 2 weeks to go) what are you selling your mix chicks for?
$6 for my mixed girls. They hatch tomorrow hopefully! Looks like I will just have 4 (if they hatch, fingers crossed!) and a few more next week. Let me know :)

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